Hola, a mi me ocurre lo mismo que a Rick...
Hello, the same thing happens to me that to Rick. I go time trying to meet on the solution, until I found the response in the forum. I followed Dafydd's advices, but whenever I enter the PWD7 there happens to me the same thing:
- (Runtime Error.
- Program C:\Program files \ Cyberlink \ Power Director \ PDR.exe
- This application is requested the Runtime to finish it in an unusual way.)
I return to execute the patch and it returns to work, (!One alone time!). They know of some solution.
Thank you.
Hola, alguien puede ayudarme.
Me he comprado el DVD Suite Centra, en el cual viene el PWD7, pero despues de instalarlo me sale el siguiente mensaje:
Runtime Error!
Que puedo hacer, para que funcione el PWD7?.