well i new that part but will it coexist with other bdvd software like not cyberlink software. i dont want a conflict on my hands.
got a response finally nobody there know ether anyone have any suggestions on will it coexist with other bdvd software.
cyberlink-michael is there any whey you can research this for me i'm getting no were with support they don't understand my questions. and it seams to me i always get the goofs of the pack. can you do some checking for me and tell me if it will work on windows 7. and if it will be ok along side another vendors dvd program.
thanks i posted a question there
ok i know this is a user ran forum but some one has to know if this program still work for hddvd and if it works on windows 7. and can coexist with another company's software. i think this forum is not even ran anymore nobody has even answered my post at all. is anybody still here?????.
ok interesting hmmm anybody
26 views any suggestions ? is this forum still operational?
14 views nobody has a clue i need to now if it works on windows 7 and if it still will play HDDVD not blueray but old hddvd.
Hi there i got my old copy of PDVD 7.3 and still have a combo drive that dose HDDVD dose PDVD 7.3 still work for these hddvd. and will it coexist with a deferent blueray software as i use windvd for blue ray. also will version 7.3 work on windows 7.