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sorted thanks a lot people
that visual you uploaded id s how i used to get mp3 but in this version for me it has only the pcm option
thanks mate im using 6.00.1731b im using vista if that helps mp3 used to work on my old pc in xp using pd5
anyone ????
do i have to download codecs from somewhere ?
if that is the problem and you cant advertise other sites on here could you pm me please

i want to produce all my holiday videos as divx with using mp3 as the audio to send to family abroad

thank you
when i try to create a divx file from an mpeg i choose video audio settings and want to choose audio format mp3 but it only lets me choose pcm any ideas why i cant do it now ?
i used to be able to on my old pc when i had pd5 installed
thank you
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