I want to do a obviouse edit regarding getting the next clip to match the pan and crop position from the last clip but right clicking the keys shows no such copy command, am I missing somthing or is this a major flaw for such a thing to be missing?
I also noticed that in Pan and zoom editor there is no reset to full frame, this is needed if your last frame of a clip needs to match the first full frame?
Another issue iv found is when I want to do a stop and pause frame using the snapshot to clip, that clip does not include any pan or zoom on that clip so it suddenly jumps out of position in the shot as the screen shot is fully zoomed out? Again Im looking how to copy the pan zoom keys to the image to they match?
Thanks, Shaun.
One work around I found is while your editing your first segment in pan zoom mode, click on your last key point. On the screen it shows all the parameters for that key. It has the X-Y position, scale, and rotation. Take a picture or write them down. You can manually enter them on your next video segment zoom.