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Quote Second - graphics drivers. That's a huge mess. Home Theatre PC era is long over and native movie playpack is dead since 2015. This results in horrible driver support. The most common problem messes up black levels - resulting in washed out picture. If you're using Intel graphics - you probably won't face it. Nvidia patched it, but you can still try to change to limited dynamic range (15-255) if you have bad black levels. AMD is the worst one, the problem is unsolvable.

My apologies for the annoyance this year-and-a-half-later reply may cause, but FarCry? I gotta thank you. For a long while, I've been tearing my hair out trying to figure out why most of the videos I watch with PowerDVD are super washed out, and now, thanks to you, I finally have an answer. Guess now I have even more incentive to switch my GPU to an Nvidia one.
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