After paying for discs and an update (took months to get discs), I am horrified to find out that my workflow has been altered by these tabs missing. I don't want to waste my time with a long post about WHY. I do know that adding features is nice, removing features is horrible. My internet is so costly, I paid extra and waited for disks. Now Im updating to an april patch (600mb) and it fails at the end. I'll have to retry much later, as 600mb is a LOT for my monthly totals. At any rate, this 'upgrade' has left me wasting more time and money. I must admit that I havent been overly pleased at how the program crashes and its clunky ui. Sadly, I am looking at other options. In the end, I will take the loss and change edittors, or simply try to downgrade back to pd18. I am very disappointed, as I dont ask much of an editor, and it just got harder to use..