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Powerdvd is a commercial software player. There is no free version which gives you the DVD playback features after the free trial period.

If you need a freeware to do that, there are many alternatives on the Internet.
But, some premium features might not be supported in a freeware as those features require paying the patent fees to licensing companies.

Please note that, we are not talking about any illegal DRM cracking programs or products here.

Thank you, i will so unistall the program.
Thank you so much
Hi, in those days i bougth some DVD but was unable to play on Windows. Power DVD was the solution.
Once installed seems is activated the demo. I searched for be unable to deactivate the demo and just try the free version but unable to find this.
Also cheched price page and i don't see a free plan.

There is avaiable a free version?
After 30 days the player will stop to work?

Thanks for the answer.
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