If you restart youcam, are frame, text overlay that you made still there?
I believe there is a way to turn them back.
Sometimes the frame is, sometimes it isn't. The text overlay never persists.
Basically, I am using it with Chrome to do some online tutoring and so the camera is turned off and on fairly regularly (every 30 or 45 minutes I close the camrea on a student, then open a new camera on a new student). It would be convinient if all my visual settings persisted between the camera turning off, then on again.
I just purchaed and installed YouCan this morning and have been playing with it all day. I have some questions:
1) Is there a way to save the state of your current special effects settings (frame, text overlay, etc...) so that everything stays the same the next time you start the camera?
2) Is there a saved settings/quick settings feature so that I have multiple frame/text overlay/particles setups saved and be able to switch them quickly.
3) Does YouCam have to close completely every time camera access is terminated?
My thought is that, if you do streaming regularly, at least having 1 & 2 are no-brainers, right?