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Thank you. I have sent every information to BlackVue/Pittasoft and linked to this thread. Cyberlink nor BlackVue/Pittasoft have answered yet.

I've also tried to see, if I could get PD17 (upgrade price from v.15/16), but the site really sucks. Prices are different before and after placed in the basket. And even though I'm logged into my profile PD16 Ultra isn't listed on my product page, only on my orders page.

The prices aren't what they say anyway.

$99.99 - right? I click on "Buy now"

And then this pops up:

I choose "No thanks, continue with PowerDirector ($99.99)

And then it redirects to the basket and looks like this:

(I've added a 10% discount coupon "MEMBER10", but look at the price even after that!)

I don't think it's anything that suddenly happened, but some form of uniqueness of this clip.

Just to highlight how far we've come, the old PD8 can read them no issue. PD10,11,12,13,14,15,16, nope. I'd say to get by with your PD16 to convert as was suggested.


Of course its something that BlackVue changed in their DR750S-2CH firmware. Its just weird, that the files looks the same regarding codec etc. but still only one of them works (recorded files 6-8 months ago and older works perfect, but every recorded file after doesn’t. And I have a lot saved).

And if PD8 can read it but not 10-16 but 17 partially, it just shows that there IS something Cyberlink can easily fix, just like was done in the thread linked in the top post

yes I can probably convert the non-working files, but I would like PD16 to just eat it flawlessly.

Yeah, sadly its some kind of fix thats needed. But the weirdest part is, what have suddenly changed?? yell
Thank you for helping me.

The files have always been extracted from the MicroSD card to an external HDD which all videos are placed.

It’s not at my end, because then I wouldn’t be able to edit the older files ??
This is from today and does not work in PD16:

This is older, and DOES work perfectly in PD16:

I am having the same issues as in this thread:

But just with H.264 AVC files (not using H.265 as my dashcam only uses H.264), which PD16 only can open some of, suddenly!

After some firmware updates to the dashcam, the latest videos from my dashcam which are supported successfully in PD16 is from mid june 2018 and older. Newer files from the dashcam are not working in PD16!

Black screen when playing the files (and black thumbnail), no audio, no shadowfiles.

See attached images

I have just tried the same video files in PD17 Trial that weren't working in PD16, and they are working in the library box with thumbnail showing, and are playable in the window on the right, but they are not working in the timeline! When dragged and dropped in the timeline and trying to play the timeline after the file have been loaded, it states the error in "Screenshot_1.png".

So the issue were partially fixed in PD17 (because of the aboe mentioned topic maybe?) but not at all in PD16.
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