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I looked at the youtube video you posted. I want to say that I think it is very beautiful! Is that you playing with the sticks or are you just the video editor?

Anyway, I am glad that you fixed the problem. You seem to be very talented with video editing.

Wish I was that young, no I'm not the actor but I am the inventor and video editor, kind of jack of all trades. I'll be introducing EZtwirl through Kickstarter in late August if you're interested in seeing a product move through the process.

Further to the above:

See the attached Audacity recording of your music. You definitely have a gap where the clips join. The music must have been split at some time and not repaired

Tried everything and decided that my time is worth something and this could take hours and probably won't get solved so upgraded to version 16 imported the timeline and walla works like a charm no skips. Heres the link to new video with version 16:

thanks for your efforts
I'm assuming the music is a continuous track in its own track below that of the video. What happens if you uncheck the audio joined to the video track. The clicks must be coming from track 1 if the music is continuous.

Yes you are correct it's a continuous track below the video track. Because the video has its own recording I had already unchecked the video audio track so the skips are there anyway. Here is a link to the video with skips between clips:
background: powerdirector 12 mp4 format . I have a video with six clips and music track. The problem is after the video is produced you can hear a slight skip in the music between clips even though there is no gap between clips. Can anything be done to smooth out the music track so it sounds continuous?
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