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Quote I've been using a Contour ShuttleXpress with Power Director (13 and 14) for years with no problems. Starting sometime in January 2017, the shuttle stopped working with Power Director, even though the shuttle still works with other software, including other software from Cyberlink (Audio Director and Color Director, that I seldom use).

I worked with people in the Contour forum, and it doesn't seem to be a shuttle problem. I've not updated Power Director since June of 2016, which suggest that isn't it a change in Power Director, unless something "broke" in PD. The other possibility is that two Microsoft updates occurred in early and late January on my Windows 10 Pro 64 system.

I've posted on the Microsoft Forum, and haven't heard anything back yet. Here is a link to that post with more details if you are interested.

If you use a Contour ShuttleXpress or any Contour shuttle with Power Director, can you please reply here if you have or have not had problems? That way I can find out if my experience is a lone wolf problem, or something that is widespread.

Thank you for your help,


I cannot get my Shuttle Xpress to function either. It does work in other application.(Word,etc.) I can restart the shuttle xpress engine at which point it works with other programs, but as soon as I try and use it with Power Director it locks up. Any ideas?

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