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I'm trying to add property lines to a video where the lines will remain in the appropriate locations while the video is in motion. Can someone point me in the right direction to figuring this out? I have looked for this, but I'm not exactly sure what this would even be called. Any assistance is GREATLY appreciated!!
Quote I have the same problem with those files. Tried the above, but didn't worked. Any other solutions?


So, I have tried everything I could think of and nothing seemed to work. I made sure the file wasn't muted. I then checked the Volume button on the video viewer and guess what....the volume automatically reduces to zero when I import an MTS file. I turned the volume up and it worked perfectly. I tried that on several imported videos and it worked. I'm not sure why it's turning the volume down, but that was what I found with mine.
When I import my .mts file into PowerDirector 16, the audio part shows up, but it doesn't play. It will play in AudioDirector, but not in PowerDirector. I can't seem to find anything to make it work. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!
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