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Obviously you can't afford it. I'm convinced now, premiere pro it is
I have been reading customers questions and reading the responses from Cyberlink and am frankly disappointed by the responses and I do wonder whether Cyberlink retain a scant regard for their customers. Software is a competitive market and vendors who treat their customers as though they were idiots will surely not be around for too long.
jdvos rightly pointed out that any software in the current selection of offerings purporting to be for commercial or professional users would include features such as waveform or histogram as the most basic of features. Without them it’s impossible to see clearly that changes throughout clips are correct and have a measure of that.
I’ve been using PowerDirector and I quite like it to be honest. However, now that I’ve got the colour-grading stage of things began looking into it. Due to previous disappointment with Cyberlink their product has been last on the list to look at. Now I know that there are no basic tools to measure the grading effects of clips I won’t be purchasing further.

Fine, treat customers like idiots and then patronise them by effectively telling is that it’s up to us to interpret the bullshite on the website. For Cyberlink to say that PD is for commercial or pro users but actually thats where it ends and not makre it clear that CD is not for Pro or Commercial users is rudeness it really is. Why would a pro or commercial user use PD for video editing and not have a requirement for a similar level in colour grading. Ridiculous!
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