I have the Geforce GTX960 with 2 GB memory onboard
quad core processor
16 gb memory
Rendering takes about 1/3 of the clip play time at 1080 HD, MPEG 4, 12 mbps
19 min video = 1.60 GiB in size
and that is not using SVRT, just quick rendering.
The SVRT will work on clips renderd in Power Director, and most clips renderd in standard format by other programmes. I think the high frame rates of over 60 fps and the capture card (Avermedia) i use to record the clips, prevent me from using SVRT. Im not sure, I stopped trying to set it up. Instead of wasting time trying to set it up, I added another 8GB's of memmory and purchased another graphics card.
Which, reduced my rendering times to under half the length of the clip.
IE; 30 min clip = 10 min rendering time.
I'm not saying the SVRT does not work, I know it does and when it does its fast, very fast. Its my setup preventing it from working correctly, everytime.
Refund; Did not ask, once i got used to using the programme, and it's intergrated methods, video, images, sound, and a bucket load of other stuff (I'm not talking mop and bucket, this bucket is so big i could live in the thing). I decided to keep it.
9 out of 10, I would give it 10, but that is reserved for my soon to be ex-girlfrend, so if their are any women out their looking for a house trained man (well mostly) im here. Wof Wof