Hi Dafydd,
Attach it via a link to either youtube or vimeo or something you can download from this reply?
Let me know if you figure something out.
Hi Dafydd,
Thanks for the reply and detailed request.
I did what you asked and more. First what you asked for. The video loaded I used for my further testing. Its from a Gopro Hero 2 shot at 1080p HD.
1. Here is the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkikKgd94jQ&feature=youtu.be
(I'm not seeing a youtube button for replying?)
2-1. Results, PDR12 produced at H.264 AVC AVCHD 1920 x 1080p/60i 24 Mbps took 3 mins 40 secs
2-7. The same settings in PDR10 Took 3 mins 43 secs
That all worked fine.
Even after adding my title image and transitions both are fast.
But, when I edit stuff like contrast, saturation and sharpness, PDR12 bogs down.
I did the same testing on the video linked to on youtube first on PDR10 so the media project file could also be used on PDR12.
For a 4 min 39 sec video with all the effects including saturation 110 and sharpness 4 (contrast settings didn't transfer to PDR12) PDR10 8 mins 19 secs and PDR12 31 minutes 9 secs.
I produced to H.264 AVCHD 1920 x 1080p/60i (24Mbps) because both 10 and 12 have those same settings.
Hopefully this helps and please let me know if more info is needed. Thanks for checking this out.
Need some advice on PD 12 please.
I recently upgraded from PD 10 Ultra and all works well in PD 12 until I go to produce. Instead of being faster then PD 10 its 10 times slower. A 7-8 minute video produced in PD 10 might take a few minutes but, doing the exact same settings in PD 12 it takes well over an hour.
I have a Dell XPS 8500 i7 3770 12gb ram 2 TB HD and 1gb NVIDIA Geforce GT 640. The driver for the graphics card was updated. I did read somewhere that people were going back to an earlier driver and it worked but, I tried that and still the same issue.
Windows 7 Pro. It updates daily.
My c drive has over 800gb's of open space. I run my video files from a separate drive within the pc. Sometimes another external HD too. USB 3.0
Has anyone else had this issue and how did you fix it? My settings are set identical to PD10. PD 12 is slow no matter what format I produce to.
I run other software's just fine. Like Nikon NX2, PS CS4 suite etc... This PC can multi task with ease. No gaming, just photo and video editing.
Thanks and let me know if additional info is needed.