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Thank you for you attention. It is the best mediaplayer I've seen so far. It just needs a liitle improvement over Movie info module. Keep doing a great job!

Thanks Michael, your solution very well works with single mkv files into Media Library under the Classic mode

However, it is not what I was searchig of. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough asking a question at the first place.

I have a collection of Blu-Ray copies on my HDD. I found it better for keeping things in order this way. And I don't use Media Library due to it doesn't understand folders (movie on two disks for example it puts side by side rather than into a one folder) So I just go to my network drive and pick a right movie.

PowerDVD 13 has so called Cinema mode for remote control of it from a couch. Under the Cinema mode after I pick one of Blu-Ray's or DVD's folders It should show me either correct info + cover for the movie or nothing.

However, it keeps showing me a wrong info whether I uncheked all of the boxes under "Movie info" or not.

It seems to me that Cinema mode has its own set of settings and there is no way to prevent it to go outside and download a wrong info from PowerDVD itself.

PS. Finally! I managed to block downloading of the wrong info using Firewall. I blocked Internet for C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD13\Movie\PowerDVD Cinema\PowerDVDCinema13.exe

However, it would be nice to be able to download correct info for my Blu-Rays directly from IMDB in Cinema mode without need for turning on Media library.

PSS Forgot to mention. When I tested the solution with .NFO files I noticed that it is only works in Classic mode. After I switched to the Cinema mode with Media Library ON PDVD ignores NFOs and keeps using MoovieLive
After I got disapointed by poor performance of MovieLive movies information detection I decided to totally switch of this feature and stick with good old hand picked covers. Under Settings - Movie Indormation I unchecked all of checkboxes. However, it seems like it affects only Classic mode due to when I switch to Movie mode PDVD still goes online detecting movies info (and does it horribly) and shows wrong info and wrong cover.

Dear Support, Explain please, how to totally kill the on-line checking feature until Cyberlink guys fix it or give us freedom to use IMDB or similar databases.
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