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Hi Guys

Finally was able to download my PD from the discs.... well sort of.

Put the discs into another computer and downloaded the files into a HDD.

Programme works well until I start adding video clips.

I can work with the project for about 5 minutes and the program crashes.

The video clips go blank in the preview pane and I have to shut the programme down.

The problem seems to happen when I work with the clips in the timeline

I reopen and I can resume for another 5 mins. same result.

I was using full HD at 1080p with 30fps in the above.

I then changed my camera setting to HD 720p with 30fps.

Dropped the clips into a PD project .. the same result was effected.

I'm not having any problems with PD 9 loaded into the same computer using the same vidoe clips.

Could it be possible my graghics card is incompatable with PD 13 !!

Hope you can help ..getting terribly frustrated

I might do that.
Again many thanks for your replies.

Skibum ... your right "it doesn't make sense.

I took the discs to a Techo guy, he puts it into his computer , guess what, it works !!!

Dafydd.. I'm not having any issues using my drive, I've burnt discs, reloaded PD9 ( got sick of PD13) and watched movies.

I might add the techo guy said he had come across this problem on a couple of accassions, but it is very rare.

Looks like the computer may have to go to hospital for a check-up !

I've attached (what I hope you needed )
Thanks for reply.

I.Skibum.. I can't copy files to Hdd as files won't open.

2.Jaime... No you were correct .

What I have is 2 problems.

I have downloaded the PD13 from the electronic download.

I can use the program but the video files go nuts.

I have tried to correct the problem by removing the program and using the Discs to reload, The files won't open.

Sorry for the confusuion.
Thanks for your reply.

Yes,the disc drive is working working fine.

I have gone back to using PD 9 (which I reloaded from a disc) .

I am using the same video clips as I have used in PD13... with no issues.

The strange thing is you can see the clip in the timeline, but as soon as you put it up onto the preview sceen the program throws up this error notice ...Error Code 2..Project may not fully comply with the file format standard, or your system may lack the required decoding components, please try again using another media file format.

I may add I have changed the file format to various formats with the same result.

I have even taken a chance at burning the project and guess what... it works fine ???

It would seem the problem is within the program .

I doubt whether my computer is lacking as PD 9 is working fine !!
Has anyone ever come across this problem

I recently purchased PD13 with back-up disc

.I insert the disc into my Blue-ray drive , the files are showing on the screen.

I'm not sure how to discibe it, the shape of the file is showing but not filled in , if that makes sinse.

And the files won't open up.

The drive continues to whir away but nothing is happening??

I have since tried the disc on another computer and the files opened up.

I've just updated from PD9 which I've had for years without any problems

Confused ???????
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