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imust have uncheked the "clean install" button last time don't know.

sorry 4 your los of time and thx a 1000000 for the help.

ps. will there be a patch comming to fix the problem with the new nvidia driver?

thx again
yes i reinstalled the latest driver because it wasn't working (did a clean install in the nvidia options)


PARTB: in attachment
i rerolled to patch 301.42.. still the same problem.
damn it really makes it inpossible to edit :s

any more idea's? i'm open 4 anything...
hey guys

i'm using powerdirector 10 ' a while now.
i had to reinstall my pc and sinds then when i drag in a movie in the timeline it previews in parts ( keeps rendering between ).

i didn't had that before.

this meens i have to vieuw the complete timeline to be able to work in it (or i just see 1sec image and then 1 sec rendering)

i have a good pc ( I5 with 8gb rams and a gtx550 Ti)
so don't think its the spec (also it worked before.
all drivers are up-to-date aswell

any ideas?

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