I would like to make custom dvd menus with a picture. Ok what im saying is that i would like to use a picture of a truck and in place of the windows and tires i would like to put a chapter selection, so how can i achieve that goal?
Here is an example of what i want to do;
Hope someone can help?
wow i sure am such a noob, i didnt even notice that check box :doh: . after this i should be all set with using the video portion of PD10 because i now know more about how to use it. thank you for all the help you have given to this noob.
how can i save my completed project with all my menus and everything to my computer, without having to burn the project to a disc at the same time. the reason im asking is that my computer (samsung r580, win7 64bit, i5 2.27Ghz sp1, 4gig ram) is kinda slow (loaded with a crap load of programs and stuff) and this program takes up alotta usage when running. and if i was able to save it to my computer i would be able to use nero11 to burn it to the disc which runs way faster.
thank you very much for the info.
ok thank you for the help, i think i have been over thinking it, because i was trying to make thumbnails instead of just plain text. so ok how do i make thumbnails to show the chapters?
Hello yet again another noob here with a question. So that question is this; I have a video that has 9 chapters and Im trying to make a chapter menu. Now I have made a root menu but when i go to make a chapter menu it only gives me one chapter selection. I have tried to use the menu structure to try and understand what to do, but nothing. so in other words Im just trying to make a simple dvd with one video and multiple chapters, so please help if you can.