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When I drag a film clip to the timeline, PDHanumanSvr.exe is instantly starting to read the file at a low pace (and low priority). Why? I don't have shadow files enabled.

From what I can tell, PDHanumanSvr.exe reads the file, creates a .txt file under the WaveForms folder and finally creates some registry keys. Now - assume that I import a full SD card from a cam, 64 GB, and put on the timeline. Then I realize that I don't have time for that project right now, so I go to another project instead. Now PDHanumanSvr.exe will spend the next 9 hours(!) reading the files from the project I am not working with!? Even at low priority, it will constantly move the disk heads away from the files I am working with.

And the question is still...why? Why is PDHanumanSvr.exe reading all the files, what is the end result, what does it give me, and why doesn't it stop when I close the project?

I have renamed PDHanumanSvr.exe so it can't be found by PowerDirector, and I can see no negative effect whatsoever. From what I can tell, I have not lost any functionality and no performance, at least not in the way I use PowerDirector. Can someone give me a reason to re-enable PDHanumanSvr.exe?
Some feedback: This problem is restricted to the trial version only!! I have purchased the full version, and when I do exactly the same thing in the full version, it works.

When I drag-drop the .mts file to the Library Room in PD9, I now get two "Activate Component" popup screens for H.264 and MPEG2. I did not get those popups in the trial version so I guess those components weren't shipped with the trial. And that is probably the reason to why the .mts files didn't work...

Maybe that should be a part of the Limitations list for the trial...
I tried a reinstall with cleared registry, but the problems remain.

I ran a deep monitoring of PowerDirector while importing my file - maybe someone with knowledge of the inner workings can make something out of this...

1. A new thread is started to handle the file import.
2. The file information is queried from the file system (the file itself is not read)
3. The thread searches the registry to find the keys HDCriterion_ResY, HDCriterion_ResX and Auto Testing. the keys are searched in HKCU\Software\CyberLink\PowerDirector\9.0, HKLM\Software\CyberLink\PowerDirector\9.0 and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CyberLink\PowerDirector\9.0. None of the keys are found.
4. The thread stops. (Well, I get no "Thread Exit" message, but there are no more thread activity logged) I mentioned - the file content is never read.
Server 2008 R2 has the same code base as Windows 7 (x64) so there shouldn't be any problem. And since the files open OK in other editing programs I assume that the OS is OK.

I have tried to drag and drop the file to the Media Room, and I have tried to use the menu action Import Media and the behavior is the same. Nothing happens. Or rather - I can see that there is a "loading file" popup with a progress bar, but it closes too quickly for me to see what it actually says. So obviously it tries to load the file. Then...nothing.

Another interesting fact: If I in Preferences clear the check box "Enable HD video processing", I get a Information popup window saying that "PowerDirector detected that you are importing high definition video". So clearly PowerDirector knows what I'm trying to import, but when the progress bar reaches 100%, nothing shows up...

I don't know if it is a clue, but I see exactly the same behavior with .mp4 files.

I use the 64 bit trial version, it doesn't really say if it is Ultra or Deluxe so I don't know...

I'm running it on a Windows Server 2008 R2 system - is that a problem?
I have the same problem. Files from my JVC GZ-HM655BE are invisible to PowerDirector.

I can open the .mts files in all other editing software that I can find, but in PowerDirector nothing happens when I try to open them. No error message, nothing. And no file appear in the Media Room or on the timeline.

I have attached a short movie clip to this post.
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