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I couldn't agree more........but it doesn't. Very frustrating.
Thanks for the input. Before I posted this, I did change it to "All Files" and tried importing. I didn't get an error message, and it seemed to work, but the imported file still does not appear with the other media that was already imported.
I am a long-time Pinnace user but I recently downloaded PowerDirector 9 and love it, with one exception so far. Some of my videos are .mts and .mt2s. They are saved on an external hard drive. When I "import media files", these file extensions are not on the list of file types it is looking for. I have been through the forum and I feel sure PD 9 is compatible with these files, but why won't it let me import them? Is it a trial version issue? Any help would be appreciated. I like the software and don't want to go back to Pinaacle over this issue.
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