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I did a lot of test with newer version of PD (2702). Its seems to me that you get frame degradation when add "text field" to timeline and you tick "Enable HD video processing (Shadow file)" as YES. I have i5 and I found problems.

When this is uncheck then everything is fine (high profile 4.2 4 frames etc)
OK Jmone I got you!!!
Ive check your file and mine - THERE IS NO problem with edited 1080p50 films (for example TEXT) ONLY when you left original video bitrate and max (2250!).When you change to 2450 and max 2800 then you got the problem...
Quote: Here is:
1) Original.m2ts: the original test file I use (it is 1mn05sec so to allow SVRT but it is almost 200MB)
2) Produce_10.m2ts: Created with SVRT ON and a title added at the 25sec point. You will see the issue as the title ends.


*** EDIT - Removed Files - Will repost with another (quicker) link ***

Hi Jmone

First let me start - what a great thread!

I have PD 64 ultra. Have W7 on i5 4GB Nvidia card. I have Panasonic SD90 (capable of 1080p50).

I dont see any problem with your file Produce_10.m2ts(!). Thats great for me, because if I add title/text during a recording I have some problem with the video (looks like not enough fps).

EDIT: please click direct links to every photos because forum is too small to show a photo in full size. Some screenshots are cropped from the right.
What I did:
1. Created custom profile as all you advised
A) video:

Link to photo if problem on forum:

By the way - what about the last two parameters:
+ Advanced: speed/quality indicatior?
+use deblocking??

B) audio:

Link to photo if problem on forum:

and then I edit the profile.ini (put 24500000 as average and 28000000 as a max):

Link to photo if problem on forum:

What about CPU, GPU, SVRT parameters. Please correct me:
2. Turn on/off CPU processing - is it done by this tick box?

Link to photo if problem on forum:

Turn off Nvidia CUDA - do you have the same settings?

Link to photo if problem on forum:

I turn on/of reduce video ....???

Link to photo if problem on forum:

What about "allow SVRT...." Do you runt that on as a default or its uncheck here and you click SVRT once per film in Produce mode:

Link to photo if problem on forum:

When I just export the original video without any "text" then everything is fine (after of course I do fixPd9.bat file- GREAT!). But when I add some text (and even I run fixPD9.bat) I have some "loss of frames" during the "text timeline" when played even on computer. What I do wrong? Is is because of different version of PD9? (you seems to have 2702 and I have 2504)? Or I configure something wrong?

EDIT: To write everything perfect: based on the parameters (SVRT,CUDA or Enable HD video processing (shadow file)) I get different effect. In some scenarios I miss some fps only during a period when a "text field in timeline" is display. Sometimes I get louse fps from the perion when the "text field in timeline" is displayed and till the end of the movie. All in all I dont have perfect 1080p50 clip after some editing (text).

Many thanks for the effort and HELP!!!!
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