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Quote Hi KiteMike -

Using sample clips from the Drift Ghost S, I found the Garmin Elite & GoPro HERO5 Session (Wide) profiles did a decent job. You may need to also manually adjust Fisheye Distortion.

See the attached screenshots. Well - they would have been attached if the page hadn't scrolled & scrolled & failed to deliver.

Cheers - Tony

Hello Tony,

Sorry for the delay of the answer...

Thanks a lot, it works well!

Have a good week!!


I don't understand why Cyberlink didn't include the specs of Drift Innovation's Cam in the module "Action Camera Center"!!??

So, which cam I could use in the list of this module to get nearly the same parameters?

About Preview Controls... My question is : How can I change the position of the blue diamond-shaped marker on the time-line?

The instructions on the PD13's guide are very minimum about the realisation of a theme!?

thanks a lot.

Quote: It is usually a good idea to check the manufacturer's web site for any BIOS updates.

I don't have the original BIOS version that came with the Motherboard. I did update the BIOS.

Yess!! Very good idea! This is the only things I don't change since 2 years.

I'll thank you another time!!

Quote: According to the information at the link KiteMike posted, the camera uses H.264 and records a .MOV.

From that information PowerDirector should work with that video just fine, unless it uses a non-standard video format.

Ok, so, for you, it has no problem with 60 fps.

•Video format: H.264 -> PD8 : no problem
•File format: .MOV -> PD8 : no problem

•25 -> PD8 probably some problems / 30 -> it's ok / 50?? / 60fps in 720p?? or 25?? / 30fps -> it's ok in 1080p

I would do some tests and I'm return back to tell about it.

Hey Carl, you have the same processor than me, do you have this mb too : M4A785TD-M EVO. Because, I always think that my problem in PD8's freezing was due to one of 4 core. Finally, I think that the real problem is inherent to Windows 7 (64 bits) but the ATI card is Radeon HD 4200.

Ok, thanks a lot you too for the belief that the 60 fps works under PD8!!


Quote: After reviewing the specs on that camera it looks like it would work with PD. I would suggest you also look at the GoPro camera too. I have seen video from that one and it was very impressive!


Hello Elwood,

Sorry... If I'm not answer faster : I had a business trip...

Ok, I made my choice in helmet cam and it's not Gopro, it's Drift HD170 Stealth. I don't like a cam that I don't see display and this one has a remote upto 3m. And the quality is better than Gopro with the thousand of video that I have seen about four cam : GoPro, Contour, Drift and Oregon scientific.

Thanks a lot! I can't wait to try the PD with the 60 fps of this cam!!


I have PD8 and I want this camera :

Is this possible to do creation with this type of cam with PD8? Or PD9?

Thanks a lot for your response!

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