Hi James W,
I am out of town for the next month. When I get back in mid February, I'll upload a short 10 sec clip of the original video and the PD9 edited video. Thanks!
Robert2 S,
I went back and checked the 1280 x 720 video that I created earlier...I was mistaken...I must have chosen the wrong option because it was the same file size as the 1080p version. So, I produced the video using the default 1280 x 720 settings and it worked!! The choppiness was gone! REALLY APPRECIATE your help!
You wouldn't by chance know what I would need to do in order to produce videos at 1080p without the choppiness? Not the end of the world if I can't but I figure it'd be nice to be able to produce FULL HD videos.
Thanks again!
Robert2 S,
Thanks again for your suggestions. Again, appreciate your time.
1. I produced my video using 1280x720. But, it was still choppy.
2. I tried the free players but that didn't work either.
3. I'm a little nervous installing the codecs that you suggested. Since Windows Media Player is able to play the native AVCHD .mts files from my camera smoothly, I would imagine that it should also play the AVCHD files produced from PD9. So, I'm thinking that it might be the video file itself rather than the codec. I also burned an AVCHD DVD and played it on my blu-ray player...also choppy.
I was doing some search online and came across some discussion on bitrate. Could there be a bitrate mismatch between my native .mts files and the bitrate used by PD9 to produce my videos? If so, would you or anyone else know how to check the bitrate of the native .mts files and the bitrate used in PD9.
Thanks again!!
Robert2 S,
Thanks very much again for the quick response and very appreciative for the link to update my display driver. I updated the driver (I've attached an updated dxdiag file after the update to this response). I then produced my short video into AVCHD 1920x1080p which is what I want. But, again the resultant video is choppy.
Any other suggestions? Appreciate your time!
Thank you Robert2 S for the quick reply.
I am attaching the dxdiag.txt file as requested. Any feedback or advice is greatly appreciated!!
I recently installed PowerDirector 9 Ultra 64. My hardware setup is 64 bit Windows 7, i7 2.8GHz, 8GB RAM. My HD Camcorder is a Canon Vixia HFS10.
When I download the .mts files from my camcorder to my computer, they play nice and smooth with no choppiness. However, when I put the video clips into PD9 and "Produce" a movie, the resultant final video is very choppy and jerky. I used 3 of the H.264-AVC options (AVCHD 1920x1080, AVCHD 1920x1080p, and AVCHD 1920x1080 24Mbps) and 2 of the MPEG-2 options (HD MPEG-2 1080i and BD 1920 x 1080). So, basically, I produced the movie using 5 different parameters. But, all of them are choppy. The H.264 rendered videos are the worst.
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?