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Absolutely SPLENDID!! Thanks for the info!! Those 2 links gave me a Much Clearer understanding of Interlacing and the aspects related to it.

I'm thinking about paying for the Cyberlink Voice Support service to possibly try and deal with the Out Of Sync issue with PowerDirector 5.0, but then I thought to myself, "What if the person I speak to comes up with something like, 'Well, I'm not actually a moderator of the software program; I'm just here for General Tech Support of Cyberlink's programs' or something like that even though I may actually *NEED* to speak with a moderator of the program to get the answers I need??" I mean, I can deal with the usual responses like, "I'll submit this to our tech support department right away, etc, etc", and all that but to be honest, I find myself wondering if it ever really Does get there and if so, if it's Really given the Timely Attention it Deserves to get.....

If I Do have that happen, then the money I invested to get the Voice Support service itself is Majoralisticly, (At least in This circumstance anyhow), if not Entirely Wasted unless I have a 'General' question to ask that could have been asked for free in E-mail to begin with. It's a gamble I'm not sure I'm willing to take, y'know?

Anyway. Thanks again for the info!! I appreciate your input and will use different animation files and types to do further testing of the program with on my friend's and brother's computers before I uninstall them from there. Afterwards, I'll get back to you here. Take Care!!

Yup. I used the same .VOB file on all 3 systems during the testing. (I burnt it onto a CD and brought it with me).

The sources of the video files I've used to try and get the program to work correctly are varied and range from commercial DVD .VOBs to home made videos, (.VRO file type), as well as .MPEG, .MPG, .AVI, and .WMV file types. The same out of sync problem ocurrs with all of them as well, I'm afraid....... *sigh*

And as if that wasn't bad enough, now I'm noticing a video sync problem as well where, after Producing an animation file, I see jagged, jumbled lines occasionally sticking out from the edges of objects in a scene right after a scene transition ocurrs within any given animation file "Produced" with PowerDirector 5.0.

(Nero's animation editor program causes the same jaggies effect in it's post-production animation files but it's WORSE!! Like about 5 times worse than Power Director, actually. At least that's one positive thing to report in regards to this whole situation, anyhow).

It appears that the video sync is lost during re-coding of the animation datas through the "Produce" function of the PowerDirector program just long enough for, (What I like to refer to them as), the "Jaggies" to be inadvertantly yet incurratively caused to become part of the finished animation file itself, and for that problem, (As with the one concerning the video/audio sync loss problem), I have No Idea Whatsoever as to how to fix it and can only HOPE that the techs that moderate Power Director's code Can and Will fix these problems ASAP.

In addition to those issues, I also noticed that when comparing an original animation file to one that's been "Produced", an Extreemly Noticeable Increase in the brightness level of the "Produced" animation file ocurrs; Apparently without there being ANY way to stop That from happening either with the usage of Pre-Production option selections, etc...........

Well, I'm afraid I have to add myself in as another user of PowerDirector that has had their video/audio clips go out of sync...... *sigh*

I'm using a re-installed version of the 5.0 stock release, (Because I had a multitude of malfunctions and crashes after patching to higher versions and HAD to re-install it just to get it to stop crashing constantly *rolls eyes*). If any of the patches that I installed previously before re-installing PowerDirector were supposed to fix this "Going Out Of Sync" problem, then I really don't know what I'm going to do because patching from the stock 5.0 version for me is an invitation to Chaos so far.......

The problem that happens to me is as follows:

I import a video/audio clip of the .VOB file type with a 315 MB (331,010,048 bytes) file size into PowerDirector 5.0. Then, for whatever reason(s) it does this, the program apparently *FORCES* it to be imported by Parsing or cutting the single animation file into Several Segments instead of giving the user the OPTION to have it imported as one single file like one of the programs in the "Nero" multimedia compilation does, (NeroVision Express, or whichever program it is. I know it's one of them; something that I think PowerDirector SHOULD do as well, I will also add), and by doing so *FORCES* the user to have to drag and drop or otherwise add to the Video Timeline, each individual segment one segment at a time.

Now, I have no problem doing that as far as that goes. It's no big deal to me to put out that little bit of extra effort to get the animation you want to have in the Video Timeline put there. The Problem is that when you attempt to play the segments together, and the end of the 1st segment is reached and the beginning of the 2nd segment is arrived at and is attempted to be played, the video/audio sync at that EXACT POINT is Lost Completely by about 1 and 1/2 seconds as can plainly be seen and heard when watched for a few seconds after the out of synce error ocurrs.

I thought that maybe this was just a bug in the program's video preview playback function, and decided at that point that after converting the segments back into one single animation file that PowerDirector would Probably, (HOPEFULLY), force a re-sync of the segments during that transformation process.

But after actually saving the segments into a single file .MPEG2-type animation through the Produce function of the program, I was Shocked and Disappointed to see that the FINAL ANIMATION FILE when played back through either Windows Media Player 10, and/or PowerDVD v6.0 Deluxe, was ALSO OUT OF SYNC in Exactly the Same Way as it was when viewed in the video preview window of the PowerDirector program itself Before the segments were joined together and saved by the program as same said single animation file.......

At this point, I started questioning my decision to get PowerDirector 5.0 and am at this point wondering if anyone at Cyberlink Really Cares about this problem and if they're going to fix it ASAP or not. I mean, I know that the program makers are only human just like anyone else is, but it seems to me that this sort of thing should have been found out to be a problem long before the program's actual release date when it was being beta tested. *shrugs*

I also thought that maybe it was because of my computer. That maybe some part of it, (Motherboard, Graphics card, AMD Processor, etc), might be causing the program to malfunction. So, I took it over to my friend's house, installed it on his brand new Dell Optiplex 3.0GHz Pentium 4 system and then I took it over to my brother's house and installed it onto his IBM ThinkCentre A50 Celeron 2.93GHz computer in the hopes of seeing if either one of these systems would cause the program to run correctly, but the Exact Same Thing happened on their systems that happened on mine. The same loss of sync during playback from the Time Line area in the Video Preview window. The same Out Of Sync post-production animation file. Everything........

So now, here I am with no way to use this program to do my video editing with and no idea if and when a fix for this problem will be made available from Cyberlink.

If anyone hears anything more about this problem, or has any additional info to offer in regards to it, could you Please respond to this message and let me know? Thanks in advance for Any and All help regarding this matter!! I Really Do like PowerDirector. I just wish I could actually use it the way I need to..........

David E. Randall
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