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Where I got it?

RTM means RETAIL to Manufacturing, which is the FINAL RETAIL version installed on any RETAIL computer you buy.

I am a Microsoft OEM Partner, and after 3 updates I now have multiple Windows 8 Modern Apps that NO longer run....

My point is, how can they CLAIM Windows 8 compatible, if it will NOT work with Windows 8, any version?

See the description and the screen where it displays the Windows 8 Compatible Logo:

com·pat·i·ble (km-pt-bl)
1. Capable of existing or performing in harmonious, agreeable, or congenial combination with another or others: compatible family relationships.
2. Capable of orderly, efficient integration and operation with other elements in a system with no modification or conversion required.
3. Capable of forming a chemically or biochemically stable system.
4. Of or relating to a television system in which color broadcasts can be received in black and white by sets incapable of color reception.
5. Medicine Capable of being grafted, transfused, or transplanted from one individual to another without rejection: compatible blood.
A device, such as a computer or computer software, that can be integrated into or used with another device or system of its type.

READ the definition of Compatible. Especially number 2.....

Second, I could not get the TRIAL to work, so I bought a Retail copy, when it unistalled the deteced PowerDirector 11 in Program Files x86, it may have decided that it was the 32-bit version, but the OS is still x64, and it should have detected the OS.

As to your comment, it shows the Trial Version, here is how I upgraded PowerDirector 9 Ultra to 10 under Windows 8...

PowerDirector 10 CAN not detect an earlier version on your system, but PD9 is right there in the Cyberlink directory in the Program files folder? So, I had to manually enter in my CD Key for 9 Ultra, it installed.... Then to install the 1703 patch, guess what? PowerDireector could not detect an installation of PD, enter the CD Key from 8/9, etc...

So I had to do it again....

I'll admit that Windows 8 seems to make it impossible for the installer to detect previous installations, but at least it did detect the x64 OS.

Next, how can I test the NEW, FASTER 64-bit encoding in the trial of PD11, if the Trial is ONLY 32-bit, it can't even do 64-bit rendering....

RETAIL to Manufacturing is that, the RETAIL VERSION is sent to Manufacturers to install on their new computers. The ONLY difference between mine and when you buy your NEW PC with Windows 8, is yours will connect and download all the updates already installed on mine by automatic updates...

For those not familiar with how Microsoft operates, you have several installation options with the RTM DVD:

1 - Core version
2 - RETAIL version
3 - VLSC version

Gee, if I installed the RETAIL version from option 2, you're telling me I don't have the Retail version?

So, am I running the vlsc version since I chose option 2? Or, am I running the core version since I chose option 2?

I can only assume that Cyberlink tested and certified the Windows 8 compatibility on, pick one:

Developers Version 8100
Consumer Preview 8400
Windows Enterprise Evaluation Version - which has more features than Windows Professional version

Or, RETAIL, build 9200.....

I guess I'll uninstall PD 11, and try to install it again, and maybe then it will install as 64-bit, but I doubt it....

Obviously, if their TRIAL version is only 32-bit, and won't install on a 64-bit machine, to try the NEW, FASTER native 64-bit processing speed, then why would I want to spend the money to UPGRADE?
Since I can't edit my original post, and I had to change my user name, I am going to state the obvious:

PowerDirector 11 is NOT 64-bit, and it will NOT run under Windows 8 Professional x64.

I have read the replies here, and seen this person say that even though it installs in the x86 program files it is 64-bit.

I LAUGH at this!!

I am running Microsoft Windows 8 Professional, FULL RETAIL BUILD, attached find from my computer, PowerDirector 10 about screen, says 64-bit...

Attached find the PowerDirector 11 about screen, notice it clearly says: 32-bit...

So whoever this person is who states: PowerDirector 11 is a 64-bit build and will NOT run on a 32-bit machine, is not very knowledgeable.

How can a 64-bit program install on a 32-bit machine?

How is it that you're Windows 8 compatible PowerDirector 11, which is ONLY 64-bit code, comes up on my Windows 8 Professional x64 Retail Installation as 32-bit?

I await the answer to these questions, I'm also attaching a screen of my Computer system, and I can't wait for you to tell me their is NO 32-bit version of PowerDirector 11.

Interesting, my complaint: not only does it install in the x86 folder, it is incompatible with Windows 8 Professional. The program locks up and crashes, every time I try to produce or even edit a video.

Until the program is CERTIFIED windows 8 compatible, which PowerDirector 10 works perfectly with Windows 8 Professional, the program is USELESS to anyone running Windows 8 Professional x64.

I have a lot of Windows 8 apps that ran fine under the developers preview, and the consumer preview, but they do not run under the FINAL version of Windows 8, so what are you writing the code to work with?

I wasted my money on a useless piece of software, at least the Windows 8 apps that don't work, were FREE.
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