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Hi James,
I thought ,similar to you, that I could delete clips with faulty sound but what I am finding now is the last clip has no sound, the second last clip has appropriate sound. If I delete the last clip what was previously second last loses its sound. It would appear the problem lies in the master track and affects whatever clip is in that position. I thought I could get round the mute clip by just adding a music track then reinstating clips after that. Clips when run on the preview window play o.k. complete with sound but now when brought down to master track lose their sound. This only happens from what was originally three quarters way through the video.

Probably the easiest solution would be to start again although I would still like to know what I have done to cause this problem.

I had saved regularly but not "saved as"

Thought I had managed to get a way around this, although not the cause of it, by deleting clips on the master track back until where the problem appeared to start. All I had to do then was to drag the clips back down from the preview section and edit them again. Wrong, I'm afraid, seems that from the point where I stopped deleting onwards, any clips I place on the master track are mute.
Still on the master track but just below the clips the wavey blue line indicating sound is still visible but no sound is audible. Looks like this project is destined for the scrap heap unless anyone can come with a solution.

Hal, they are both in the master track.
Just some further info which may or may not help someone diagnose the problem. I ran the master track right to the end, the video stopped on cue but the sound kept on for about another 20 seconds. I also found the clip where the audio began to go wrong and through a process of trial and error identified the sound being heard as originating from a clip that had been on the master track but had earlier been deleted. It seems as though there is an "extra" sound clip there. When I tried deleting the clip where the sound begins to go wrong the "extra" sound clip moves backwards to the earlier clip.
I saved the project under another name using the save as function. I then started at the end and clip by clip deleted until I reached the first problem clip. Pleased to say when I deleted that one all seems well. Fortunately the error happened towards the end so I don't have an awful lot of work to do in re-installing the clips. I would still like to know the cause of it just so I can avoid it in future. I'm guessing it has been something I have done unintentionally rather than a malfunction.

Any comments welcomed. Thanks
Just an update to my earlier post. I located clip with correct sound, then removed the next clip which had out of sync sound. The out of sync sound track then intruded onto the previously o.k. clip.
The only thing I can think of doing is deleting from the last clip with correct sound track onwards. No big deal but I would like to know what the problem is so I can avoid a repetion.
Hi to all,
This is my first post on here and I would be grateful for any advice. I have had a search through the forum but to honest at times I felt as though I was reading a foreign language ... a lot of unfamiliar technical terms!

I'm using power director 8, just downloaded it a week or so ago. Not using it for anything too fancy or technical, basically for home movies. I have used it once already to edit holiday film, turned out fine, no major problems encountered and thought I was finding my way around. Went to edit a second load of film of a day out, got all the clips on to the master video track, edited and music added as required. Before I burned it to disc I thought I would have a final run preview just to check if any final editing was needed. About three quarters way through the sound suddenly goes out of sync, sound from one clip continued to run on to the next by about 15 seconds. I tried deleting the clip with the unwanted sound but it didn't help. Ends up now I have some clips with sound from the following clip and others with sound from preceeding clip.

The only thing I can think of that was different today was that when I started up power director an automatic update was installed, could this have affected settings in some way? Or have I unknowingly altered something?

Any replies appreciated but please, simple terms. Thanks.

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