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Can't offer any comments, AlwaysADawg, don't know much that might help. But your query reminded me that this thread still seems to be going, so I'll add an update.

Re my last post way back in September 2010: I have totally given up trying to resolve the image quality problem of burned PD8 video projects. I have never had a satisfactory reply or even a hint of a solution from the Help people in spite of sending all info they requested. Originally I was hopeful, but after so much time has passed with no solutions offered, I doubt that there's any intention to fix it.

My assumption is that they consider PD8 is an "old" edition and not worth bothering about, which is not unreasonable from the company's point of view... pity about those who bought it.

I am sticking to PD7 and will never upgrade since even though this edition also has lots of other problems, video quality isn't one of them. I just completed a project after a huge number of crash events and am really losing patience with it, it took ages longer than it should have to get it done. I am in dialogue with the Help Desk about some of the problems, but am not confident they will offer solutions for such an old program. But I'm trying.

At the moment I am evaluating other DVD/slide show programs on the market and wondering whether I should stick to PowerDirector at all. It's a real pity, because it does a lot of things I really like and which a lot of the competitors' products don't seem to - but it doesn't work very well and I'm not sure it's worth the hassle of persevering with. Sigh...
For those of you who may still be waiting for answers with this problem, (as I am), I have been reliably informed that the Cyberlink Help people are still working on it; it has not disappeared from their work list as I had feared!
It might be a while yet before we have an answer, but I'm hoping that one will be forthcoming soon.
Hi, guys,
I'm the one who started this thread and who first raised the question. It immediately became apparent that others had indeed had problems with this, so we had to ask the question about whether PD8 was a fully functioning program or not. Clearly it isn't. As you can see from the posts, many other much more technical people than I have had a shot at getting around the problem in all sorts of ways, but from the outset I didn't see why you should HAVE to go to these lengths in the first place. When you buy a program that makes DVDs you naturally expect it to do what it is supposed to!

I first contacted the Cyberlink help desk probably several months ago now, and raised the issue with them. (I'm not 100% certain of the timing, but it's been ages.) Initially I was very encouraged because they seemed to be concerned and seemed to want to have a look at what was happening when I burned DVDs. I went to all the trouble to send them files they asked me to, using PD7 and PD8 with identical material in each DVD. I sent off all the information that they asked for, and was assured that the supervisor had taken personal interest and would follow it up.

Since I sent them the requested files a few weeks ago I've heard nothing. The supervisor had said that it might take a couple of weeks to respond, but I should contact them again if I hadn't heard after that. Last Friday I sent another message to them, asking for a progress report, but still have heard nothing back from them at all.

That's as much as I can tell you at this stage, I'm afraid. I am firmly sticking to my perfectly functioning PD7 and have no intention of upgrading to PD8 as the pop-ups keep inviting me to do. Why are they still SELLING this program??? It doesn't work properly and they apparently know it doesn't.

In the event that the help desk finally gets back to me with some answers, I'll post the information on this forum just as soon as I have it... if that ever happens. Don't hold your breath.
I'm back, everyone. Just to give you an update on what's happening:
I have enlisted the aid of someone much more technical than me, and he's helped me to send some files to Cyberlink, who are becoming actively engaged in some trouble shooting. They are requesting lots of information and I am trying to supply the files etc. that they want, so there's hope that they will be able to see what is happening and eventually they might be able to fix it.
In the meantime my friend is happily learning to use PD7 and is well on the way to producing a good DVD slide show.
When there's further news I'll do another post here.
Hi, everyone, I'm back. It took a bit longer to get to my friend's house than I had expected - we've both been rather busy over the last week or so. However, today I got there and did the experiments that I said I would. Firstly, using PD8, we made a short DVD using just 4 photos, fading transitions and a short track of music. (No colour boards or titles at this stage, we kept it simple.) It plays for around 40 seconds, which is quite long enough to see what's going on. Then I uninstalled PD8 from her machine and loaded my copy of PD7 onto it. We then made the same video again, using the same 4 photos, transitions and music and burned that. We took both DVDs to the player and the results were quite decisive and there's absolutely NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that the PD7 picture quality is streets ahead of the PD8 one.

I sent off the DxDiag file to Powerdirector a week ago, and there's been a thunderous silence from them ever since. I will send them another message to verify that they received the file I sent... if anyone will deign to answer. Maybe they're so flat out behind the scenes trying to design a patch that they haven't time to reply!

As far as I'm concerned I've done all I can about this and can't take it any further without input from Cyberlink. I'm absolutely NOT interested in trying other tricks to get around the problem. I have left my copy of PD7 on my friend's machine and she is going to go ahead and make her holiday DVD with that. This way she'll at least be able to get her project done and familiarise herself with using the program. IF they ever fix PD8 I can always re-install her copy and download any patches, but in the meantime she can at least get her project going. It will be interesting to see what happens next.
Jim, yes.... as you can see, we have already had extensive discussion on this topic. We'll add you to our list of unhappy customers. I won't be online again until Tuesday, by which time maybe there might be other comments. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us, and I await the next posting. I still haven't heard from Cyberlink, by the way, and I sent off the info they asked a few days ago.
Denbigh, I tried looking at your video, but couldn't get it to play. There was a download to my computer, but I couldn't open it. Maybe it was the wrong one? (I'll delete it from my downloads anyway.) I got a bit "lost" amongst your files; there seemed to be more of them than the single one you said would be there; I was probably in the wrong place. It doesn't matter, I'll take your word for it about the differences. Re your later messages, your comparisons are interesting and you've obviously spent quite some time on them. Seeing the images side by side really shows up the differences.

I will certainly make a short DVD with PD7 on my friend's machine as discussed in my last message, but I'm afraid that it won't happen until the middle of next week. Our schedules don't match very well for the next few days and I am unable to get there at a time that suits us both. We'll both be too busy this weekend, too. However, when I eventually get on to it, I will let you know the results... if this thread is still meandering along then and hasn't been chopped off.

I am relieved that it wasn't anything I did that made my avatar invisible... I was feeling pretty chuffed that I worked out how to do it!! (What's simple to the rest of you is a huge leap for me.) Hopefully someone will fix it soon. It's only a cartoony image I "borrowed" from some free graphics, but it reflects my interests (and my appearance, very vaguely). It's not important anyway; it was one more new thing for me to try just to see if I could do it. My vertical learning curve is heading towards the ionosphere and beyond!
I am very impressed with all your experimentation, even though I don't understand half of it... I have been reading all the suggestions so far and they're very interesting, but it still comes down to the basic fact that PD8 does not give acceptable quality images with the final DVD burn, so there's something wrong with PD8.
I sent off some info to Cyberlink a couple of days ago, but haven't heard back from them as yet; I sincerely hope that they are working on it, public holiday notwithstanding!
What I think I am going to do is to go to my friend's place, uninstall her PD8 and install my copy of PD 7 in her machine. I don't think it breaches copyright because a) she has already paid good money for a product that isn't working properly, and b) it will only be a temporary situation: I want to burn the identical photo slide show we made in PD8, using PD7 on her machine and have a look at the result. Then, if PD7 gives an acceptable result... what then?? It's over to Cyberlink, I reckon. I won't hold my breath.
Thank you again for all the time and effort that has been spent in contemplating my dilemmas.
P.S.: can anyone tell me why the little avatar I uploaded a couple of days ago doesn't show on the site? Did I do something wrong? It seemed to be working the day I did it, but isn't now.
Arrggghhh!! You win!!! Thanks for clarifying that... I would never have guessed.
Sorry I dobbed you in, Denbigh... but although I did, I was under no illusion that you were idly sitting around admiring the scenery! We all have other stuff to do each day besides sit at a keyboard. Please could you avoid using TLAs?? What's a t&c?? Since I have been on this forum I have been amazed at the time and trouble people are willing to spend sorting stuff for we newbies. It's really appreciated. I agree about PD7, and have absolutely no intention of upgrading in spite of frequent online blandishments to do so.
I fully agree with Denbigh that computer gear/software are about the only products sold in the free market place that don't come with full guarantees. They get away with it because... we can't do a danged thing about it! To be fair, I will say that the Cyberlink help people, although not always grasping the problems I've asked about, DO respond reasonably promptly and I do feel that someone IS at the other end of the electronic link.
To keep everyone up to date, I have just sent off my friend's DxDiag file to my Cyberlink guru and they're going to take a look. They will have to spell out any further steps very simply, but I am confident that now they know what I don't, they'll do so.
Dafydd, I know that DxDiag process was part B of your online help pages: did you want to take any further part in this, or shall we just wait and see what the guru says? I don't want to appear ungrateful and am happy to continue working with you if you think it's necessary and you have the time.
Cap'n Kevin's soothing message and help came just at the right time and was also very much appreciated; I was feeling very overwhelmed by it all - you'd never have guessed. Also, my husband had been busy at a sports club tournament all weekend and wasn't home to pat me on the head and mop my fevered brow. He assures me that he will be here to hold my hand whenever I have to do something (eek!) technical, so I should be OK now. I'm NOT usually the sort of female who needs male support, but this is one area where my abysmal lack of knowledge did allow me to become overwhelmed. It won't happen again - I hope!
Cap'n Kevin,
Thanks for your help and suggestions. This is to let you know I have sent a PM to tell you what happened when I tried your suggested experiment. In short, no difference; seems something else must be causing it. Sigh...
OK, Kevin... I'll try to take a deep breath, calm down a bit and have a go at what you suggest. It's very kind of you to take this interest and speak gently to me! I guess having young kids helps you practice this!

I have to go to my friend's place and work on her machine, since it's there that we are having the problem. I'm not sure when I can get there, but I will asap. It's only lunch-time here, so I'll see if she's home this afternoon.

Ta muchly, and I'll be back in touch when I have done it. Sleep well.
It's me again, Daffyd.
I've had time to think a bit more about this problem. You must understand that I am a simple user, I don't know much at all about this stuff. It's like driving my car: I get in, turn it on and it takes me where I want to go. It's the same with PD, I use it (with some difficulties at times) and haven't a clue what makes it or the computer, work.
I am feeling totally overwhelmed by the requests for data that you, in trying to understand what's going on, (and I REALLY DO appreciate that) are asking for. My computer learning curve has been not a curve, but vertical, this week!
I DO understand and appreciate that you are trying to sort this out and help me, and you can't do that without the technical information but, Yikes! Why ME? (Yes, I know I asked the question in the first place, but I'm really sorry I ever got into this.) I'm having a major panic attack.
Are you really sure I am the one who needs to do all this stuff? Can't you look into it without involving ME in trying to access technical data?? Maybe Denbigh, who agreed with me that he's had problems, might like to do some research too... and I'm sure he'd absolutely LOVE to go into all this technical stuff for you! Sorry, I just had to explain what I feel. If you REALLY need me to pursue this, I guess I'll have to try - you have at least given me some good instructions to follow.
I'm certainly not stupid, but have no experience or interest in doing anything other than simply use programs that do what I want - sometimes. I'm not at all interested in becoming a computer buff; I really don't want to do this!
I am thinking of suggesting that my friend swaps her PD8 for 7 and we can forget all about PD8...
I'm sorry, Daffyd,
Again I've shown up my inexperience. Since I wrote that last message, I have re-read YOUR last message and have followed the links you gave me... AND read what you have so cleary and kindly set out there for people such as I.
I will try to gather the information you need, using your instructions, but still don't think it will be possible using my friend's dial-up service. I've been trying to convince her to upgrade, but she is resisting and I can't convince her of the need for a faster service. She simply does not understand the limitation that dial-up presents. All she usually does is send and receive emails about twice a week. She says that all she wants to do is make this holiday DVD and can't see the need for a faster internet connection. Sigh... I probably won't be able to go and see her for a few days, but if I can fit it in I will go sooner and have a crack at at getting at least some of the stuff you need if you are going to try helping us.
It's been an exciting week for me as a first time forum visitor, learning about all this stuff and I'm very impressed that so many of you are willing to spend time and effort helping with this.
I still have the opinion that since we have established that there IS a problem, it's really up to the Cyberlink gurus to create some sort of patch, and I am continuing my dialogue with them.
Having said the above, is there any point in taking this any further until I've heard again from my Cyberlink contact to see if they can just fix it FOR us?
Hi guys,
We've gotta laugh - we'd cry otherwise... good joke, Denby.
Now. Daffyd:
You will hardly be able to believe this, but my friend is in the absolute stone age when it comes to computers. She barely knows how to send an email, so when she said she wanted to learn PD I was gobsmacked, but willing to help - a LOT! Unfortunately because of her computer illiteracy she is still on dial-up!!!! There is no way she would go onto a forum, although I'd help her if she did. However with the snail speed of dial-up it would take a year to post and answer stuff.
After your explanation I now understand why you think you need to see the timeline etc. This stuff such as diagnostic files - what are they? I have no idea what they are and don't know how to find them!
My friend hasn't downloaded any patches for the same reason that she hasn't been to an online forum, it would take eternity to download the huge file I saw when I checked for patches. If you think it will help, I'll get my Other Half to help me put it on a thumb drive and load that on her computer.
As for your point 5, well around here some of us have better screens than others, but not everyone has the latest and best. So far, everything I've done with PD7 on normal definition has come up amazingly well on another friend's HD home theatre screen the size of the wall.
We are just making a simple demo DVD so my friend can learn the process. We've only used about a dozen or so photos and she's not done any frills as yet. We are not using the Magic Wizard stuff, just doing it all manually.
I have no idea what you are talking about in point 7... sorry.
Over to you. Thanks for responding.
Hi, Cap'n Kevin,
Thanks for your interest in all this. I should explain to everyone that I do not actually have a copy of PD8 myself, I am very happy with PD7. I have been making shows with PD7, a friend saw what I was doing and wanted to do it too, and she was sold PD8 at the store. She installed it on her machine and I am helping her to understand and use the program, based on my experience with PD7. It was when we burned our test DVD as part of her learning experience that we came across the disgusting picture rendition on our finished DVD.

The short answers to your questions are as follows:
1. Can't do it - PD8 is installed on my friend's computer and it's a 20 min. drive to her place. I'm not all that experienced and am unsure how to get a copy of her screen into this forum. You don't need to see a screen shot of the timeline anyway, since Cyberlink gurus have explained that it does not show final burn quality - see note at the end of this message.
2. Yes, we do have a few colour boards in the test DVD, but they seem to work OK.
3. They are 4meg JPG files (Is this what you want to know? I'm not sure what you mean.) We've tried reducing the file size to 150k, but it doesn't seem to make any difference to the burned DVD quality.
4. No, no video is included, just photos downloaded from my friend's camera.

I imported the same 4Meg files onto my machine here at home and made the same show on PD7: the picture quality was QUITE OK. It should be noted that I am not using HD at all, normal resolution is fine for our purposes, so all this info that other users have given, whilst interesting, I don't think really has any bearing on the problem we're encountering.

To everyone else, thanks for your thoughts.
I have had a response from the Cyberlink about the problem. They have advised me that PD8 has a deliberately downgraded picture quality in the editing window to facilitate faster editing and program making. However they insist that when the final DVD is burned it should come up to good quality on the finished disk. In actual fact, when we real-life users actually burn our DVDs, this IS NOT happening!!!! The discussion is continuing with them.
Well, Fred, it's interesting that you've had problems with PD from the early days; I keep forgetting that most new software has to be debugged when users do the using! Silly me, expecting it to work problem-free the first time. If that happened with cars or other things we buy, imagine the outcry... but that seems to be how it is in the computer industry and we have to put up with it.

(On the JPG issue, I've never before had problems using this file format and have always been quite happy to use it. It's good enough for the stuff I do, anyway.)

OK, I'll contact the Help Desk and see what they have to say about it. My thanks to everyone who took part in this interesting discussion.
OK, guys - I am presuming you are all of the blokey persuasion! (I’m not.) I really appreciate the time you’re all taking to discuss and suggest ways around the problem, and it’s been interesting to read your proposed possible solutions, but wait a minute: aren’t you overlooking something rather basic?

I have been happily using PD7 for nearly a year now and produced some good stuff, I think (!) without having to do anything more than import the pictures (which are already in the JPG format) and drag them down to the timeline etc. to make each slide show. PD7 certainly had no problems with picture degradation but PD8 DEFINITELY has – WHAT'S GONE WRONG? Instead of offering us an all singing and dancing improved new version, it has turned out to be useless for the purpose for which we want to use it!!!!

If this really IS a glitch with PD8, as I think we have already accepted that it is, shouldn’t we be chucking it back at the PD gurus so that they can concoct a patch or something to fix it? I am a humble user who can barely understand all the methods you are suggesting we try. Why should I go to all the trouble of saving my photos in another file format or trying other esoteric (to me) tricks to try to make PD8 work the way it should in the first place? I am certainly a newbie and might be a bit naive, but I don’t see that this is our problem at all.

The main purpose of my posting this question was to ascertain whether anyone else had struck the same problem and it appears that some of you have. Now that we know that, do we get in touch with the program creators and ask them to fix it? If so, how do we do that?
Thanks, Denbigh, your comments make me feel better already! (I do wonder whether my inexperience has something to do with it, but maybe not.) I'm glad it seems to be an issue for you too, and I hope that someone else can shed some light on the problem.
I am wondering if anyone else has had a problem I've just encountered? I make slide shows from digital photos. When importing high quality JPG images, as soon as I import them into PowerDirector 8, the apparent resolution deteriorates to the point where it is completely unacceptable. The images become very pixillated (which they are not in the original photos) and I don't know how else to describe it. They are 4 Meg or so sized original images, so it's not the camera file being too small.

I have imported the same images into PowerDirector 7 with no deterioration at all - has anyone else found this, and does anyone know why is this happening in PowerDirector 8?
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