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Read Me Before Posting - Suggestions to Get the Best Results
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The following are some suggestions and things to keep in mind when posting or interacting in threads on the AudioDirector forum. To view the full rules and regulations for the CyberLink forum, see
Be advised that this forum is intended for user-to-user help, and no official support will reply to your post. If you have a technical issue with the software, please submit a support ticket for free here:

Help Resources and Tutorials

If you are posting a "how to" question, consider first checking:

Latest AudioDirector help file:

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Posting Tips

Search Before Posting
Before posting, please use the forum's search capability to see if your question/issue was identified and answered previously:

Referencing Previous Posts
If you find a related post that does not fully answer your question, do not resurrect the old post by replying to it. Please start a new post, and then post a URL link to the previous post for reference. The information in your new post can be compared by forum members who will answer.

Starting a New Post
When starting a new post, please provide the following pieces of information so that users can answer your questions efficiently:
1. Which exact version of AudioDirector are you using? Patch updates are available quite regularly, and many common issues can be fixed by installing it. (Instructions for determining your version further down in this thread)
2. Provide a clear explanation of what you are trying to accomplish or the issue you face. Screenshots and step by step instructions are encouraged.
3. Include the detailed specs of your computer when necessary. Generating a DxDiag file can be very helpful for users to help you diagnose issues. (Instructions for generating your DxDiag file further down in this thread)

Note: please remember that other forum members are volunteers, and are not obliged to help you. Do not post your issue repeatedly or with attention grabbing subject lines. Politeness, patience, and direct answers to user questions will yield the best results.

Replying to Posts
When replying to your own or some else's post, please keep in mind the following:

  1. Be polite and courteous. We are users like you trying to help.

  2. Stay on topic. Tangents can be fun, but straying off can cause confusion in a thread.

  3. Please don't reply via PM. It benefits everyone when questions are posted publicly and members can answer. Easiest way for all us to learn.

  4. Do not reply to old posts, even if you have the same or related issue. Better to start a new post and then reference the post you found.

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Forum Moderator [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2018 01:01 Messages: 578 Offline
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How do I determine which version of AudioDirector I have?
1. Open up AudioDirector.
2. Click on the AudioDirector logo on the top left of the screen.
3. Find these two numbers:

Build number: will be similar to 13.0.xxxx.0
SR number: will be similar to ADR160718-01

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 02. 2022 22:38

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Forum Moderator [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2018 01:01 Messages: 578 Offline
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Generating the DxDiag.txt File

For technical issues it is essential that the complexities of your particular system be known for members (and CyberLink Support where necessary) to assess. The use of a standard DXDiag file is recommended for this purpose.

The full details of what this tool is and what the file will contain can be found here:

To Generate the DxDiag.txt File
  1. Click the Windows start button and then type "DxDiag" on your keyboard.

  2. Click on DxDiag.exe in the start menu or search area to open the program.

  3. Once the tool is open, click "Save All Information". Name your file and then save it in a location on your computer that's easy to find, like your desktop.

  4. Attach this file to in your post or reply.
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