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macOS import media files based on "date taken"
Pahave [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 20, 2022 15:27 Messages: 2 Offline
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Hi all,

I am compleet new here and want to create my first movie.
I install the Powerdirector 365 on my mac book.
now i created a new project and import content (photos and movies) from the native macos Photo application.
Inside Powerdirector 365 al files are uploaded and shown not in the correct order. I selected the created date as also the modifed date, both have the date when the import to Powerdirector was started. So is there anyone here that can give me a small help to import these content files on the right way?

Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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To clarify, PD doesn't "import" files in any particular order, but once the clips are in the Media Room you can sort them in various ways.

On my Windows machine, when I set the view to Details I have a column for Created Date (but not for Modified Date). The date shown is correct for the imported media:

If you're seeing the dates reset to when you imported the clips into PD, I suggest you open a support tickect directly with CL tech support. You can reach them here.
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