I want to add a text display box over my video and then update the contents at specific times in the video. Similar to a score overlay used in sport events. So I want the text box to persists the entire video and just update it as needed during the video.
How could I do this? Thank you.
Use a mask?
(It's a pretty basic edit, so I apologize if I don't understand the question.)
Meaning, you have to create an overlay that will show in front of the video, but not block the video.
Thus, you can create the text box and iterations with the desired text, (and a blank one too? Think Flash-cards) inserted at the approriate time.
I do this when I fake subtitles to foreign video or to keep score in a sporting event.
(You can use PD Titles or a .jpg/.png mask.)
If you want a custom display box, screen grab it or draw it and make it a .png for tranparency if it's not rectangular.
Insert the text or make seperate .pngs.
Gimp is a great picture editting freeware.