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Using 365 on two computer question
gstepic [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 27, 2022 19:41 Messages: 3 Offline
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I am going on the road and want to use my laptop to edit videos of basketball games. When I opened program on my laptop I got a message stating I must activate the device, any other devices will be deactivated. Would the deactivation on my desktop be permanent? I have no problem activating desktop and deactivating laptop when I return from trip. I would have a problem if the program is permantley deactivated.
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Nothing is permanent, and this is CL's way of ensuring that you do not use more than on licensed device at a time. You will simply need to activate the new system each time you switch machines.
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Quote Nothing is permanent, and this is CL's way of ensuring that you do not use more than on licensed device at a time. You will simply need to activate the new system each time you switch machines.

Is this still true? 10+ year user here, and I just went to 365, and I don't need to do anything to go back & forth between laptop & PC...

just curious...
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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The issue is is specific to the subscription version (so previous years/versions don't count), and yes it is the current state of affairs. Up until April 2021, I also was able to switch PD365 back and forth between my desktop and notebook without being prompted, but since then it happens every time.

In my case, I'm pretty sure that I went over 2 installations due to performing a system restore on my desktop. The original installation was overwritten on my local drive but wasn't removed from CL's servers, and then I acquired a new license after PD determined that my system's digital fingerprint had changed.

I wrote to CL tech support at the time to request that they purge all of my licensed installs so I could go back to only the 2 active ones, but they said would not as this is the intended behavior.

Bottom line, enjoy the free switching while it lasts as it might disappear at any time
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