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PD 365 - imported .mov file shortened to 7 seconds
westtexgeo [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 21, 2022 15:26 Messages: 2 Offline
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On my Windows 10 desktop I just installed QT 7.7.9. I have a 5-minute .mov file that plays fine. However, when I import that file into PD 365, it shortens to the first 7 seconds and then stops. What gives? I'm fairly new to PD, but this doesn't seem right. I eventually have a whole slew of .mov files I need to incorporate. Thanks.
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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There are several possibilities. You may want to uninstall Apple's QT as it's no longer supported and instead install the free QTLite codec.

Also .MOV clips can be encoded in many different formats and not all of them are compatible with PD. If you feel comfortable sharing a clip here, you can use the Attachments button below the forum's text box to directly upload it. You could also follow the steps starting in the 3rd sentence in the post to only share the clip's technical details.
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