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Power Director 365 disappears after Application manager tries to update it.
GARTLB [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 03, 2019 12:48 Messages: 1 Offline
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When trying to install the update to Director Suite 365 it uninstalled power director, then attempts to install the update or the new version. It fails at roughly 73%. I do not receive any type of error message. It simply goes back to the Cyberlink Application Manager and shows install as an option.

I run into this issue, even after a reboot, running it as an windows admin, and trying to install it under a different windows profile.

I have even tried installing the free downloadable version and then running the application manager. Still no luck.

Any suggestions?

Warry [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: The Netherlands Joined: Oct 13, 2014 11:42 Messages: 853 Offline
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Before I would distrust Windows, I would uninstall and reinstall the Application Manager itself. Before restarting it I would also look at prowerDirector 365 to see whether windows says it is installed. If so, uninstall it, if not, then check the files in program files folder and delete the power director folder. Then restart CAM.
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