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Would it be possible to change video background while it does not use green background?
bjch512 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 21, 2021 23:32 Messages: 91 Offline
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I guess the asnwer is no but let me double check... would it be possible to use PD 19 Ultimate to change video background while it doesn't use green background?

We are working on a dance performance video that was recorded outdoor (grass on ground buildings in background). 10 dancers are moving around during the performance. I know we can extract people from videos if background is solid green color and people do not move much. Now this video doesn't meet the requirements. I guess it's impossible to replace its background?

Thanks & regards.
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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The answer for PD is no, but if you have DirectorSuite or a newer version of ColorDirector you can do that. I haven't used it myself, but see the CD Help page in combination with this tutorial.
Esseff [Avatar]
Member Location: Germany Joined: Oct 10, 2020 16:47 Messages: 69 Offline
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Quote Hi,

I guess the asnwer is no but let me double check... would it be possible to use PD 19 Ultimate to change video background while it doesn't use green background?

We are working on a dance performance video that was recorded outdoor (grass on ground buildings in background). 10 dancers are moving around during the performance. I know we can extract people from videos if background is solid green color and people do not move much. Now this video doesn't meet the requirements. I guess it's impossible to replace its background?

Thanks & regards.

Like Optodata says you can do it with the ColorDirector add-on but its still a ton of work. Maliek from PDU did a video on this.
bjch512 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 21, 2021 23:32 Messages: 91 Offline
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Thank you for the informaiton.

Yeah, a lot of work for this. It looks like we need to create brush masks for each of 10 dancers, and then enable the tracking function. Then each mask will follow each dancer's movement. Hope each mask (and tracking function) will no miss its dancer when two dancers move cross each other.

I couldn't find Maliek's demo video. A link would be appreciated.

Thansk & regards.
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Quote I couldn't find Maliek's demo video. A link would be appreciated.

Maliek may answer himself, but here are two videos I just found: PD15 Motion Mask and a newer one for PD365/19.

I'm afraid there's no way around the need for spending some significant time editing, though.
bjch512 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 21, 2021 23:32 Messages: 91 Offline
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Maliek may answer himself, but here are two videos I just found: PD15 Motion Mask and a newer one for PD365/19.

I'm afraid there's no way around the need for spending some significant time editing, though.

Thank you for the demo links. Much appreciate.

The ColorDirector demo looks fun. The demo is with a object (human head) whose outline doesn't change much. Not sure if CD's Motion Tracking Mask still works with other types of object such as dancers in a dance performance, where their outlines keep changing and change fast. We'll get CD and give it a try.

Thanks & regards.
bjch512 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 21, 2021 23:32 Messages: 91 Offline
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Since we are new with ColorDirector, so we are trying to apply Motion Mask to a simpler project, which has one person, a sax player.

We flow the steps in CD demo video below. At 9'14", the demo shows in order to get a solid green background, put Tolerance to max value, and it indeed works. However, for our case we cannot get a solid green background even after Tolerance is changed to max value. Please see the attached vedio clip. Not sure what we could miss and how to fix it.

Thanks & regards.
2021-09-05 14-35-59.mkv
5052 Kbytes
294 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 05. 2021 15:52

bjch512 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 21, 2021 23:32 Messages: 91 Offline
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Never mind. We found after select Screen Color to green in Green/Blue Screen Maker section, the background is changed to solid green. This section ("Green/Blue Screen Maker") doesn't seem existing in CD 3 (the CD version that demo used) but it exists in the latestest version CD 9 that is what we are using.

Thanks & regards.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 05. 2021 16:16

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