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Best Watermarks for use in Photo Director 365
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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I saw some of the watermark templates in photodirector 365 and did not think they were that great

Are there any better options for watermarking. I saw someone had a pic on facebook that had a large circular stamp type watermark with writing etc

I thought that one was great
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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You can make a watermark from any image, and the watermark creation tool will let you add borders, text and lines. The Help file has all the steps.
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Hello detroit123,

As optodata says, creating a watermark is fairly simple.

Personally, I very rarely add watermarks to my photos. I doubt that others would want to use my photos anyway! Sometimes (I think) it can create a distraction from the other elements in the photo. It's worth thinking about why you want to include a watermark.

If you've decided that's what you'd like to do, there are plenty of resources available. Members will be happy to assist if you're having any difficulty.

If you're using images, such as a logo, they'd usually need to have a transparent background & be in .png format. See examples attached.

[Thumb - Camera Eye Logo white trans.png]
Camera Eye Logo white trans.png
37 Kbytes
1 time(s)
[Thumb - Camera Eye Logo white.png]
Camera Eye Logo white.png
44 Kbytes
0 time(s)
[Thumb - Camera Eye Logo black.png]
Camera Eye Logo black.png
36 Kbytes
0 time(s)
PIX YouTube channel
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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Hi Pix. Thanks for the info

How would I design a circular stamp like watermark that may have some text in it

This way, It can go on a photo and still show the quality of the image but yet have a mark on it so it it not as good as an orig
[Post New]
Hello again,

If you're unable to draw/design the stamp yourself, you can just do a google image search for a circular stamp, select one, download it, then modify it to suit your needs.

Once that's done you can import it into the PhD watermark module.

PIX PIX YouTube channel
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