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How to remove extreme Red?
CSmith81 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 20, 2013 03:06 Messages: 8 Offline
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I've been using PowerDirector for many years and never had a need to use ColourDirector until recently.

I have converted some very old 8mm reels however due to the age of the film I have a few reels that have extreme red.

I'm new to colour adjusting and can't seem to find how is the easiest to do this in CD. Can anyone help me with some step by step recommendations to remove the extreme red please?

Thank you.
Short Sample.mp4
Short Sample
29433 Kbytes
164 time(s)
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Hello CSmith81,

Gosh! What's happened there? surprised The video looks like it was shot in greyscale, then processed in some way.

Please don't take this as anything definitive because other members may have better suggestions.

I adjusted the curves in CDR to try to kill off the pink. Arguably, I still need to do more to kill of the remaining blue/green.

You'll see the adjustments I've made if you install & apply these presets, then switch to manual adjustment.

Red Kill I

Red Kill II

This video shows your original beside two "corrected" versions.

It's a starting point, at least.

PIX PIX YouTube channel
PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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What about this approach?

Just using PDR's white balance calibration.

Not sure what quality the original would have been so no other colour correction or enhancements, sharpening etc.

Any good?

PowerDirector Moderator
Red remove 1.mp4
30077 Kbytes
149 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 09. 2021 14:05

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tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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The NewBlue Essentials 1 /Video Tuneup included with PD19 will give a high contrast B&W video. The NewBue Essentials VII /Video Tuneup Plus included in PD18 with the Saturation setting set to 50 will give a warm dark tone similar to the result from the PowerDirector Moderator.
CSmith81 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 20, 2013 03:06 Messages: 8 Offline
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Thank you everyone. I'm going to try them out now.
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