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Problem importing Spatial media files
DaveV52 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 09, 2021 12:09 Messages: 5 Offline
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Hello. I am having a problem importing a Spatial Audio WAV file into A/director 11. The file is produced by the Zoom H2n digital recorder which is set to Spatial Audio. I get a message of a broken or unsupported format. Has anyone tried and had success importing these files?
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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My guess is that it's not a supported format, and it would help a great deal to have a sample of your audio clip. If the recording is smaller than ~50MB, you can upload it here directly using the Attachments button below the forum's text box.

The clip only needs to be a few seconds long and can just be you talking or any other innocuous sounds just as long as everything works normally on your end.
DaveV52 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 09, 2021 12:09 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote My guess is that it's not a supported format, and it would help a great deal to have a sample of your audio clip. If the recording is smaller than ~50MB, you can upload it here directly using the Attachments button below the forum's text box.

The clip only needs to be a few seconds long and can just be you talking or any other innocuous sounds just as long as everything works normally on your end.

Thank you for the reply. I hope i've managed to attach a file ok. It is nothing in particular, I walked with the mic tapping on various surfaces either side of me to see if it picked up the direction of the sounds. I am able to load the file into Audacity and Reaper to see if they would open, both programs show the file as 4 separate channels, which I believe is how the spatial sound is created. The H2n apparently merges these files into one file. I am a complete novice at doing this, but picking up bits here and there online, it seems that editing these files into the Ambisonic format requires 4 separate files to be merged with the video.
12694 Kbytes
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DaveV52 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 09, 2021 12:09 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote My guess is that it's not a supported format, and it would help a great deal to have a sample of your audio clip. If the recording is smaller than ~50MB, you can upload it here directly using the Attachments button below the forum's text box.

The clip only needs to be a few seconds long and can just be you talking or any other innocuous sounds just as long as everything works normally on your end.

Thank you for the reply. I hope i've managed to attach a file ok. It is nothing in particular, I walked with the mic tapping on various surfaces either side of me to see if it picked up the direction of the sounds. I am able to load the file into Audacity and Reaper to see if they would open, both programs show the file as 4 separate channels, which I believe is how the spatial sound is created. The H2n apparently merges these files into one file. I am a complete novice at doing this, but picking up bits here and there online, it seems that editing these files into the Ambisonic format requires 4 separate files to be merged with the video.
12694 Kbytes
452 time(s)
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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AD does not support just an arbitrary channel wav file for editing, 5.1 and 7.1 supported. Your file has a stereo channel and 2 mono channels for just 4 channels. Depending what end goal is, one could maybe bluff AD by modifying file to 6 channels as shown in pic. This mod to your original file was done in Audacity and just done to show what the import issue is, not that it's perhaps acceptable route for your intent. I just mapped your 2 mono channels to C (Center) and LFE (low-frequency effects) while keeping L/R stereo channels.

PD will import your 4 channel wav file, you just won't have individual channel control.

[Thumb - AD11_4chto6.png]
143 Kbytes
13 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 10. 2021 11:06

DaveV52 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 09, 2021 12:09 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote AD does not support just an arbitrary channel wav file for editing, 5.1 and 7.1 supported. Your file has a stereo channel and 2 mono channels for just 4 channels. Depending what end goal is, one could maybe bluff AD by modifying file to 6 channels as shown in pic. This mod to your original file was done in Audacity and just done to show what the import issue is, not that it's perhaps acceptable route for your intent. I just mapped your 2 mono channels to C (Center) and LFE (low-frequency effects) while keeping L/R stereo channels.

PD will import your 4 channel wav file, you just won't have individual channel control.


Hi Jeff, thanks for the input. I don't fully understand what you mean by an arbitrary WAV file. My belief was you could make a 360 video along with the appropriate spatial audio file. These files are then imported into AD, you then align the position of the audio so it corresponds with the video and then produce the final video for viewing, in my case it will be the Gear vr headset. I am making the 360 video with a gear 360 camera and was wanting the H2n to produce the immersive surround audio to merge to it. I wanted to see what the spatial file looked like in AD before I did the real thing. Am I going about it totally the wrong way.
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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I can actually import the WAV clip into PD365 and it recognizes it as 4 channel. I can open it in the built-in Audio Editor but I can only access two of the tracks there.

If I try to use AudioDirector from PD's timeline, I get the same broken format message as when using AD by itself, so in the long term this looks like something for Cyberlink to look at and potentially release a patch to allow AD to work with this kind of clip.
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Quote Hi Jeff, thanks for the input. I don't fully understand what you mean by an arbitrary WAV file. My belief was you could make a 360 video along with the appropriate spatial audio file. These files are then imported into AD, you then align the position of the audio so it corresponds with the video and then produce the final video for viewing, in my case it will be the Gear vr headset. I am making the 360 video with a gear 360 camera and was wanting the H2n to produce the immersive surround audio to merge to it. I wanted to see what the spatial file looked like in AD before I did the real thing. Am I going about it totally the wrong way.

Not sure, never done what you are attempting before, my comment was AD to my knowledge does not support a 4 channel file editing capability like the wav example you provided. To make it compatible to edit, I modified to 6 channels which AD can edit.

From when I read the H2n doc, it stated this:
In 4ch surround mode, two stereo files are created (MS mic recording and XY mic recording).

Which does not appear to agree with the single wav file provided.

DaveV52 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 09, 2021 12:09 Messages: 5 Offline
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I have sent copies of error messages, diagnostic results etc as requested by Cyberlink and the latest request, sent a copy of the WAV file to them for their analysis, just waiting for their reply.
bitbyter [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 12, 2018 08:51 Messages: 17 Offline
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Quote I have sent copies of error messages, diagnostic results etc as requested by Cyberlink and the latest request, sent a copy of the WAV file to them for their analysis, just waiting for their reply.

Hi Dave - did you ever get a response to this problem? Experiencing the exact same thing more than a year later and haven't seen a response to my support request. Cheers, Scott
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