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Im using Colordirector 9 and it seems like whenever i choose the output format as mp4, the video and audio have sync issues. Is there anyway to fix this where they stay in sync?
I've not experienced the same issue exporting AVC H.264 MP4 videos from CDR9, but a number of factors may contribute.
Are the sync issues showing up when the video is played back in a media player on your PC? or when streamed (e.g. YouTube)?
Are you producing using Hardware Acceleration? or is that unchecked?
Does the frame rate of your source video match the selected production profile? e.g. 25fps source > 25fps produced
I've used a variety of source files from different cameras & haven't been able to replicate what you've reported, whether the produced file is H.264, H.265 or XAVC-S.
Could you please provide video properties of your source videos & produced files? Use MediaInfo or the video information shown in the Library tab? That information will help us to try to isolate the cause.
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