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Warble / Choppy sound after applying "Hiss Removal"
arfgab [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 24, 2020 03:38 Messages: 1 Offline
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I've been trying to remove the hiss from the audio of an MP4 video that was recorded using a Samsung S9 (AAC encoding , 48kHz) but when I apply it the sound becomes choppy rendering the filter unusable. Does anybody have any ideas why this isn't working or more importantly how to stop it happening - I've spent quite a bit of time on google but can't see any reference to a similar problem? This is after I highlight a quiet section at the beginning for hiss analysis and then apply the Hiss Removal to the whole track. It doesn't happen with the Preset Hiss removal settings. The sound file is after applying the filter and the screenshot is the spectral frequency view after applying the filter showing the introduction of a regular artefact. The original hiss is around 2-3kHz on the left channel.

I've tried up and down sampling the file into WAV format and a different computer with the same result.

Thank you for any advice.
After hiss removal
1296 Kbytes
198 time(s)
[Thumb - Screenshot (8).png]
Screenshot (8).png
spectral frequency showing introduced artefact
1894 Kbytes
6 time(s)
15 Kbytes
253 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Thanks for all the details. I don't think this is a case with a binary outcome of it either working or not working - it's a situation where the hiss removal sample you've chosen has a wavy/choppy essence and that's adversely affecting the clip it's applied to.

Try taking another sample, maybe shorter in duration and see if that helps. You'll also need to adjust all of the controls on the Hiss Removal tool screen to find the right balance between a minor amount of hiss seeping through while maintaining full fidelity of your recording.

I generally get the best results from reducing the aggressiveness of the suggested settings one at a time until I can clearly hear the hiss and then tightening the control again. It can also help to listen to just the hiss on its own so you know what AD is taking out.

It will likely take some time and effort to find the right mix, but then you can save it and have it available for all future recordings.

Another tack you can try is to take the best one of the default settings and try increasing the settings, as they're much less likely to have any kind of beat frequency to them.
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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I'm not sure which version of AD you're running, but if it's AD11/365 there's a new patch out today and the update notes mention an improvement in Hiss Removal.
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