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multi-track fade
Diri [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 28, 2020 20:04 Messages: 52 Offline
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I was going to do this with a screen image from my project but for some reason, the 'insert image' icon in the bar above won't let me insert an image. I get a message about URL's and HTTPS? Not sure what that's all about.

Anyway, instead of showing my problem I'll try and explain it. I have an image of a small ball travelling on a circular motion path on one track. I have duplicated this onto another 20 tracks and time-shifted each track by a small amount to create a rotating circle of balls. A stack of 21 tracks in total, each one slightly advanced in time by a little over a second.

My problem is; How can I get all 21 tracks to fade out in-sync at the same time while still rotating? I have tried fading each track separately and lining up the start point of the fades on all the tracks but I end up with the circle of balls depleting before the fades complete. I also tried grouping the tracks but this only seems to help in moving them around as a unit.

I also made a screen recording of all this but again, I couldn't work out how to attach the mp4 file I made. All I see is a pop up saying 'Source' which requires me to type something in. Not sure what.

Any ideas out there?
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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You can use the blue attachments button to hold the screen image the next time.

You can produce the project and apply the fades to ends of the produced files.
Diri [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 28, 2020 20:04 Messages: 52 Offline
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Quote You can use the blue attachments button to hold the screen image the next time.

You can produce the project and apply the fades to ends of the produced files.

Thanks for getting back to me on this. Fabulous forum!

  • Blue attachments button? Where can I find this? I was trying to use the image (mountain) icon and the film-strip icon in the attachments bar above but to no avail.

  • The rotating balls I refer to are at the beginning of my project...a sort of intro like the Paramount Pictures rotating stars...which I want to fade into a screen of text. I guess what you're saying is that I should maybe make the intro a completely separate project on it's own into which I can then insert the next part as a nested project with a crossfade? I think that would work if I understand it right?

tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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When a new post is created, look just below the text area are the Options and Attachments buttons. Look two inches below that and two inches to the right you see the Preview and the Submit buttons.

I have not attempted such a project with nested loops. Someone who has tried this needs to respond. I believe that each ball needs to start at a different location for this to work.
Diri [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 28, 2020 20:04 Messages: 52 Offline
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Quote When a new post is created, look just below the text area are the Options and Attachments buttons. Look two inches below that and two inches to the right you see the Preview and the Submit buttons.

I have not attempted such a project with nested loops. Someone who has tried this needs to respond. I believe that each ball needs to start at a different location for this to work.

Aha! Found it. Here (hopefully) is a grab of my project screen;
5668 Kbytes
256 time(s)
Diri [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 28, 2020 20:04 Messages: 52 Offline
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Quote When a new post is created, look just below the text area are the Options and Attachments buttons. Look two inches below that and two inches to the right you see the Preview and the Submit buttons.

I have not attempted such a project with nested loops. Someone who has tried this needs to respond. I believe that each ball needs to start at a different location for this to work.

Aha! Found it. Here (hopefully) is a grab of my project screen showing the tracks and also the preview window. The balls are all rotating when the project is being played;
[Thumb - balls.jpg]
image view
8 Kbytes
3 time(s)
[Thumb - tracks.jpg]
multi-track view
60 Kbytes
4 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Thanks for providing all the detailed screenshots and preview capture.

That's some really nice work, and tomasc's original suggestion of producing the entire loop of only the rotating balls would work.

There are other ways of doing this, like using a black color board below the balls with the opacity set to 0 and then bringing it up to 100 to block all content above it, but that would interfere with the Columbia 2 clip if you wanted to include its visual content.

Probably the easiest way to do tomasc's approach would be to save the project, then draw a selection rectangle around just the ball clips and copy or cut them. Use File | New Workspace to create a clean timeline then paste the ball clips.

Go to the Produce page and set the output profile to the same one you're going to use for your finished project. Make sure you know where the clip is being saved to so you can import it back into your original project when you reopen it. You can change the folder location and name before producing if needed, then click Start.

Reopen your original project (no need to save this temporary workspace) then import the new clip. Remove the ball clips and place the produced clip on the timeline. Trim it to where the first ball has finished the second loop, then add a 1 or 2 second fade transition at the end so they'd all disappear at the same time.

You may want to right click on the timeline and choose Remove Empty Tracks to better match the workspace to your new content.
Diri [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 28, 2020 20:04 Messages: 52 Offline
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Quote Thanks for providing all the detailed screenshots and preview capture.

That's some really nice work, and tomasc's original suggestion of producing the entire loop of only the rotating balls would work.

There are other ways of doing this, like using a black color board below the balls with the opacity set to 0 and then bringing it up to 100 to block all content above it, but that would interfere with the Columbia 2 clip if you wanted to include its visual content.

Probably the easiest way to do tomasc's approach would be to save the project, then draw a selection rectangle around just the ball clips and copy or cut them. Use File | New Workspace to create a clean timeline then paste the ball clips.

Go to the Produce page and set the output profile to the same one you're going to use for your finished project. Make sure you know where the clip is being saved to so you can import it back into your original project when you reopen it. You can change the folder location and name before producing if needed, then click Start.

Reopen your original project (no need to save this temporary workspace) then import the new clip. Remove the ball clips and place the produced clip on the timeline. Trim it to where the first ball has finished the second loop, then add a 1 or 2 second fade transition at the end so they'd all disappear at the same time.

You may want to right click on the timeline and choose Remove Empty Tracks to better match the workspace to your new content.

Thanks Optodata. I'll have a go at both yours and tomasc's suggestions. As a complete novice who is learning by trial and error I was unaware of the layering heirarchy in PD. If I understand correctly, the lower layers have priority over the layers above? Sort of the opposite to Photoshop where the top layers dominate the lower layers. I look forward to exploring this new information.

I'm quite happy with my project which starts with a spoof on the Columbia Pictures intro scene mixed with the Paramount intro scene of rotating stars. Using Photoshop, I have replaced the lady holding the flaming torch with our club mascot 'Gumby'. This latest screen shot shows what I'm trying to achieve. I want all the background to remain while the rotating balls fade away.
[Thumb - Intro.jpg]
32 Kbytes
5 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Quote If I understand correctly, the lower layers have priority over the layers above? Sort of the opposite to Photoshop where the top layers dominate the lower layers. I look forward to exploring this new information.

There's actually a setting on the Preferences | Editing tab to reverse the timeline track order if you prefer to have Track 1 at the bottom.

In the meantime, it sure looks like you're having fun learning to use PD đź‘Ť
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