You're going to have to manually run it through various filters because the "noise" that you can easily hear is actually many random events happening in sequence, and it can be challenging to train the filters to automatically remove them and doing it step-by-step will give you betyter results.
One thing to start with is the Equalizer tool on the Apply Effect tab on the Edit screen. Drop the highest 3 sliders to 0 and then step the 1K, 2K and 4K down like a staircase. That will get rid of the high frequency noise (hiss and some of the static), and that alone may make for a more pleasant-sounding recording. Feel free to make adjustments to get the full range of music, even at the expense of leaving in some of the pops.
You may want to produce the best version, then try Click Removal from the Adjustment tab on the Restore page.
Experiment with different values and save the versiuons of the clip that sound the best. Don't be afraid to try different combinations, and the more time you spend on this the more likely you'll find the right mix of settings.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 21. 2020 23:37