Roy wrote:
Surely with software such as PowerDirector 8, this should not be happening.
Hi Roy,
You’re right. This shouldn’t be happening if you do indeed have the “link all tracks” option enabled in Preferences. Your PIP, Text, and Audio tracks should shift appropriately when you add an image or clip somewhere in the Master track.
But, as I’m sure you know, if you just add another 5 second image (or change the duration of an image from 5 to 10 seconds), in a PIP track, then the Master track will not shift. In such a case, you would have to place a 5 second “filler” in the Master track (a color board being a quick “filler” option), to accommodate for the extra 5 seconds you’ve added.
But if you are doing all of the above, and you still find that some PIPs haven’t shifted properly, then I’m not sure what could be causing this on your system.
However, I will say that there are times when I have seen my PIPs going a little out of sync. But then I discovered it was because when I added a filler, I also changed the duration of one of the transitions, and when I added what I thought was an appropriately timed filler, I didn’t compensate for that transition duration change I also made.
The only other thing that might be a factor, is that…
When one adds something to the Master track, one needs to simply take breath, and give PD and the computer a chance to make all the calculations necessary to execute the correct shifting of everything below the Master track. If one inserts a new image, and then immediately drags down a second one, or hits playback, etc., this does sometimes cause problems or even crashes for me. And could be what is perhaps contributing to your issue. Just a thought.
Roy, this didn’t help a bit, did it? Hahaha. Well maybe someone will chime in with a more reasonable and technical solution or suggestion for your issue.
But in general, the “link all tracks”, “lock tracks”, and “shifting” options, have never failed for me. So as far as I’m concerned, there isn’t a “major known bug”. Good Luck.
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