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Video zoom out
And1m [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 12, 2020 14:12 Messages: 1 Offline
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I have 365, and I am hoping to be able to have a shrunk/cropped video and have it expand to a larger video at some point.

To be more specific, the plan is to have an interviewer (video 1) and an interviewee (video 2). When the interviewer is interviewing someone, the 2 videos will be in boxes (which I can do), but when they are not interviewing someone video 1 willl be fullscreen.

When in the boxes, the videos will be 1:1 ratio (cropped square) but when fullscreen, the video will be 16:9.

I am basically looking for a way to transition neatly from the small video to the larger video.
Philwild [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Hemel Hempstead, UK Joined: Oct 05, 2017 12:04 Messages: 208 Offline
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I think that you can do this with keyframes. Have a look at these video tutorials from JimIowa as I think this is along the lines of what you want.
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