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Darkness correction on backlit underexposed foreground subjects
Sailor Guy
Member Location: St. Louis, Missouri USA Joined: Aug 19, 2012 10:23 Messages: 73 Offline
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I am a novice PhotoDirector user. I have several photos shot with a simple point-and-shoot camera that doesn't have a fill flash option. With a bright background, the foreground subjects are shrouded in darkness.

What steps can I take to adjust the exposure to light up the foreground subjects?

I have attached a few examples.

Thanks in advance,

Sailor Guy
416 Kbytes
306 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 21. 2018 23:58

PD 16 Ulimate 64-bit 16.0.2313.0; PhotoDir 7 Ultra; Win 10 Home 64-bit; Intel i5-2500K @3.3hGhz; 8 GB; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti (4GB); Pinnacle Studio MovieBox HD 510-USB; Canopus ADVC-300; Sony Optiarc AD-7260S DVD; LG BE14 Blu-Ray
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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There are several ways to fix the attached underexposed photos in PhotoDirector. Try each of the 4 ways to find the best for you. This is for the 3 individuals seated at the table. It looks like a 2f stop of underexposure.

  1. Go to Layers/Duplicate/Blending mode: Screen. Do this 10 times.

  2. Adjustments/Manual/Tone/Exposure 4.00.

  3. Use the Adjustment selection brush and eraser on the subjects only. Check Intelligent and Feather=0. Set Tone/Exposure to 3.49.

  4. Adjust the gamma curve. Could not get the adjustment I wanted here but you can try.

This is going from the fastest to the most detailed fix to preserve the background exposure. A fill flash would have done wonders here at the beginning.
Others may have different experiences and suggest different ways to tackle this.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 22. 2018 23:32

[Post New]
Hello Sailor Guy,

Tomasc has provided some excellent suggestions.

In the attached (zipped) images, there are screenshot examples of adjustments that can be made either globally or using masks. These include some of the suggestions made above.

Please note that the screenshots showing your own image don't show the best result because they're low res images from your .PDF file.

3743 Kbytes
336 time(s)
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