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Video to Photo: results are blurry and grainy
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I fly a drone with an awesome 4k camera. I take a lot of video, and I've tried several times to use the "video to photo" option in PD8. I've never gotten a good photo; they always turn out grainy / blurry...almost like they are low resolution. I've tried grabbing from 1080p/60fps, 2.7k/30fps, 4k/30fps, and 4k/24fps. Different days, different lighing, different filters, doesn't matter; none of them turn out good. Again, they look like they are 320x200, blown up large.

Wondering what I'm missing? Probably something simple!
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Hello WildDoktor,

That doesn't seem right at all.

To test, I extracted some frames from a DJI Osmo clip (3840x2160) in PhD8. The .tiff files are 3840x2160 and as crisp & sharp as the video itself. For comparison, I repeated the process by taking snapshots of the same frames in PDR16, in .bmp format.

Here is one of the .tiff files from PhD8.

Perhaps it's a preview quality issue. Please check in your preferences under File Handling and make sure Preview Quality is set to 1:1 - not Minimal.

PIX PIX YouTube channel
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Hello again,

Since yesterday, I've tested multiple video files in PhD8 & PhD9 to try to find any possible glitches with frame capture.

I've compared snapshots from PDR16 & VLC Player with captured frames from PhD 8/9 and can find no difference.

Here's the original file of the assembled image above.

Could you please export one of your captured frames from PhD8 and upload it so we can investigate further?

PIX PIX YouTube channel
[Post New]
Thank you PIX; will do that tonight or this weekend.

I tried again last night (before you posted this, oddly enough!) to grab screenshots from my 2.7k@60fps video in VLC, PD8, and PD15. Same results as before: photos are only "decent" when viewed small, but when blown up to full screen they start losing clarity, and even one notch of zoom makes them blurry and un usable. And I'm talking about exporting them and viewing them with things like Windows Photo Viewer, Inkscape, and Windows Media player, as well as within PD8. (I changed the preview from "minimal" to "1:1" and that made little to no difference.)

Again, I'll try to post some samples tonight or this weekend.
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