I see LOTS of video tutorials on multicam editing. They make it look so easy, using the "puzzle piece" plugin. Unfortunately, they 1) seem to be for older versions of PowerDirector, and 2) don't address my current problem of how to EDIT using MultiCam, just the initial entry.
How do I EDIT a sequence of multicam editing? For example, I may spend 1/2 hour in the MultiCam Designer. I click OK so I can save the file.
Then, the next day, I go in and want to adjust video using the MultiCam Designer. How? I somehow accidentally added a track or something. And, when I go and edit, it seems to want to overwrite what I previously edited. Surely I don't have to do this all in one session! That would be ridiculous.
Also I find it difficult to know which cameras I want to select in "real time", when pressing the record button. Is there a way to do this in slow motion, or go back and forth in time with the tool?
Can I change the size of the video screens on the left in the MultiCam Designer, where I see 1, 2,, 3, 4? They are kind of small.
When I click done, my Multicam edit session appears one the timeline as MC 1. What does that mean? I would have thought I would see all of the video sessions as searate "tracks". I guess I'm not understanding how MultiCam integrates with the rest of the product. Where do I look this sort of stuff up?
Also, I need to color match my video (3 differnt cameras with different white balance) before I do the multicam editing. I see how to color match stuff in the timeline (after the splits), but NOT in the MultiCam designer so I can do it once for the entire video.
Thanks in advance.