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VST plugin for buzz removal, any suggestions please ?
Kyle 40
Contributor Location: Cumbria Joined: Sep 06, 2013 14:14 Messages: 467 Offline
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During a recent video shoot, one of my video lights started to fail while emitting a ( induced ?) buzzing sound that was only picked up by my camera mic. I couldn't stop the recording as we only had a short time for the demonstration to complete before we had to leave the hall. Apart from the fact that I recorded the demonstration with only 1 light working ( which is bad enough but fixable !) I now have to find away to remove this buzzing sound.

As I've never used a VST plugin with AudioDirector, I thought I'd better try and get some help from the Forum.

I would be grateful for any suggestions?



This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Apr 07. 2018 04:01

I just want to edit and make pictures, walk my dog and go fishing.
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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The audio level need to be boosted only when the artist speaks. You may be able to do a visual repair with the harmonic finder in AD7. See this video from 44:40 to 48:00: . Better still get the artist to watch his video and talk when he should to replace the old audio as shown earlier in the webinar. Hindi movies are done this way.
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Here is the audio cleaned up. The noise has been removed and the volume boosted to maximum here using Audacity. Compare this to the YT original video clip.

Others have said that this can be used as a vst plugin for WaveEditor and AudioDirector.
Induced Buzzing2.wmv
Noise removed and volume boosted to max.
1529 Kbytes
367 time(s)
Kyle 40
Contributor Location: Cumbria Joined: Sep 06, 2013 14:14 Messages: 467 Offline
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Quote Here is the audio cleaned up. The noise has been removed and the volume boosted to maximum here using Audacity. Compare this to the YT original video clip.

Others have said that this can be used as a vst plugin for WaveEditor and AudioDirector.

Hi tomasc and thank you for your good suggestions.
One of them, Removing the buzzing sound between the dialouge ( as you suggested ) is a good way forward. For the most part it isn't sync dialouge only on Cam2 ( unfortunately, this cam doesn't have a good micundecided ) Unfortunately, I can't sit the demonstrator down to re-voice so I'll just come up with something else.

I'm still looking into using Visual Repair in AudioDirector8 and I've found I can "slightly" improve the audio. I'm playing with the idea that I may be able to use AD8 to make a filter to remove most of the buzzing.

Problems of this sort arebound to raise their ugly head at some point as we're trying to do these shoots on a shoe string and haven't yet gone down the route of an external mic set up.
On our very last shoot, we had to use a small PA system. However that caused a few different problems at the start of the session.

Thank you once again for your help I just want to edit and make pictures, walk my dog and go fishing.
Kyle 40
Contributor Location: Cumbria Joined: Sep 06, 2013 14:14 Messages: 467 Offline
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I've managed to spend a few hours going through some of AudioDirector tools and found 2 that are almost perfect for my "buzzing".

After selecting " Restore " in AudioDirector, you are offered seven different tools under Adjustment.
Even though my problem is a buzzing sound, I found that using "Hiss Removal" produced a fairly clear sound, abit like tomasc did using a programe called Audacity. It was possible to tweak the auto function to improve the clarity.

Next I tried using the Visual Repair. Striaght away, I could see where my buzz was located. Trying out the Auto Attenuate setting actually removed ALL useful sound and just left the cloth draging on the canvas, it was that good!
After using other settings and not getting the results I was hoping for, I thought I'd take a break and ask Google laughing and found Power Director University offering the ONLY info on how to set up the audio tools in AudioDirector. Audio Correction Tutorial

Some more from Cyberlink Achieve Perfect Audio with the Visual Repair Tool

In the end I used the Brush Selection tool and drew along the lines in the Spectral Frequecy View. After a few minor adjusments, I came up with this.

Please note that I'm switching the effect ON & OFF through out the video

If you go to full screen YouTube, you'll see that I start playing with adjusted sound ( still a slight buzz !) and at 7sec in the video I go back to Original Sound, then at 11 sec I go to Restored Result. It's still not perfect but it's a heck of alot better than without it.

It's just amazing what can be done with AudioDirector!
Thanks to tomsac for pointing me in the right directioninnocent


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Apr 08. 2018 05:51

I just want to edit and make pictures, walk my dog and go fishing.
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Thanks Kyle. Glad that you got the result needed. I did use both AudioDirector and Audacity separately. After re-reading the initial post, you were asking for a vst plugin so I posted the result for Audacity.
Kyle 40
Contributor Location: Cumbria Joined: Sep 06, 2013 14:14 Messages: 467 Offline
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Quote Thanks Kyle. Glad that you got the result needed. I did use both AudioDirector and Audacity separately. After re-reading the initial post, you were asking for a vst plugin so I posted the result for Audacity.

Hi tomasc, you're quite correct. It just goes to show how much I knew at that time about what AD can do. Must of the tuts I've seen only go as far as saying " You can do this with AD.." rather than actually showing you what all the knobs and dials do OR what is the best setting for a particular control. But you pointed me in the right direction. The only video I've seen that helped me with what might be the correct setting, was Cyberlink University.
I did find that using the different filters had unexpected results! The buzzing sound was most affected by the Auto HISS filter not the Auto BUZZ filter. But "Restore" is really amazing in what it can remove, in one attempt I actually removed the voice and only the sound of the scapping could be heard.
Thanks again.

Between you and me.. I've just seen a demo about Davinci 15. Wow, the audio tools in there are amazing. But I didn't say that !


Dave I just want to edit and make pictures, walk my dog and go fishing.
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