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RAW with no exif, JPG with exif
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I have a drone that can shoot jpg and raw (dng) photos. There is exif data (GPS coords and altitude, most importantly) in the jpg images, but no exif data in the raw images.

I contacted support. They said "Unfortunately, the Exif data is not stored when recording in RAW (DNG files). The workaround would be to shoot in JPG + DNG mode and then cross reference the Exif data from the JPG images. We apologize for the inconvenience."

So: does anybody know how to copy the exif info from a jpg into a dng? And if so, will that exif data stay with the photo when I export it to a png or tiff?

[Post New]
Found my own answer. :

exiftool -tagsfromfile %d%f.jpg -r -ext dng "E:\Client A\04-03-18 DNG practice\test"

Renames the original dng files, then copies the exif data from each jpeg to it's same-named dng.

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