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Advice on Digital Backdrops
Charles Edward [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 20, 2015 10:17 Messages: 45 Offline
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Hi Guys,

Can anyone recommend a good site to download good quality royalty and attrition free backdrops for greenscreen videos? Thanks.

I found a few but they aren't really royalty free. Some of them are royalty-free pictures, nor really designed for backdrop use.

Also, what resolution/size should I get if I'll be editing in HD?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 04. 2018 14:25

CLD [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Mar 23, 2007 02:05 Messages: 925 Offline
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I use Pixabay for any image related stuff now. It is completely royalty free, even for commercial use:

Just note that when you search for something, the sponsored images are at the top, so ignore them.

Not sure what exactly you are looking for, but you can try to search for what you need.

The photos on there are quite high quality, so take the best resolution for HD videos.

Anonymous [Avatar]
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I use 1,000's of pics on there no 'twee' ones though, the game designers use the site.

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